
Jesus is coming soon! Are you prepared?

"Oh Lord, we praise you, we worship you, we glorify your name. You're the King of kings and Lord of lords, and you rule over all the Earth. You are sovereign, and you place Kings and you dispossess Kings, and you have brought us here. You knew before we were formed in our mother's womb where we would be, and you have placed us here in New Life Fellowship, Yelahanka. And I just pray, Lord, even these words that I speak, from the words that you spoke when you walked on this Earth, I just pray that your Holy Spirit will open our minds and our hearts to understand what you meant by these words. And any human interference, any interpretation that is not from you, I pray that you would remove it. I pray that you would let each one of us here present go away with a blessing, and we glorify your name in Jesus's name, amen.

Yes, so I began—I actually spoke in the Canada service also. I started by talking about my own wedding. I wanted to talk a little bit about weddings before I talk about a wedding story that Jesus spoke about. Actually, maybe I'll tell you a different story. So, there's this person I grew up with, this lady. We were kids, we grew up in the same church, and I haven't seen her for many years. Maybe I'll visit her family this time. And she started sending some WhatsApp messages. Then she started sending pictures of her daughter. Then she started saying, 'You know, my daughter did her Masters and stuff like that.' I didn't know what her point was. Then, afterwards, it was, 'You know, we need to find a husband for her. Can you help me? Please suggest somebody.' And I was like, 'I don't want to get into this arranged marriage business, marriage matchmaking business.' But she kept insisting. And, of course, many parents will get anxious when their children reach a certain age and they're going to get married. And, of course, I attended some of your weddings. So, I attended Pastor Mana's wedding, and my wife was there. She sang 'A Telo' song, right? Remember? And Saka's wedding, I think. Where is he? Somewhere here. Yes, there is the Pramoda. Pru, where's Pru? Okay, I attended their wedding also. So, I remember my own wedding, of course. So, I told the same story a little earlier. As I was in my wedding, and, of course, in our church weddings, generally, the bridegroom is there, and he's waiting for the bride. And so, I wanted to savor every moment. So, when the bride was walking down the aisle with her father, I decided I want to see her beauty and experience that. So, I was standing there expectantly, looking at the bride. Now, I had two aunties sitting in the front row, traditional aunties. So, they think you shouldn't look at the bride, but she was my bride, you know? And so, they were saying, 'Turn around, boy, turn around. Don't look that way.' So, I didn't listen to them. I kept looking. So, my aunties gave up talking to me. And then, my cousin was playing the organ and playing, you know, 'Here Comes the Bride' and all like that. Then they told my best man, 'So, tell him to turn around.' So, my best man looked at me and he said, 'Enough, Baba.' He used to call me Baba. So, anyway, I didn't stop because yeah, she was my bride and I can look at my bride. And we got married that day. So, weddings, a lot of things happens in weddings, especially, you know, we have what Monsoon weddings, and it becomes big events. And, of course, often we are waiting, the men sometimes we wait for the bride to come and they'll be taking a long time to get ready sometimes, right? And then we'll be anxiously waiting till they show up. I'm going to talk about a wedding in a different tradition in which they wait for the bridegroom.

So, I went to a wedding sometime here in Dundi. We had a woman who used to cook food for us in our home. She got really excited. She said, 'My son's getting married. I want you to come to the reception in Dundi.' So, I said, 'I'll come to the reception, yay!' So, she said, 'What time will you come?' or something. She said, 'It's at 8:00.' So, I showed up there, and there were like two people or three people. So, I said, 'Isn't there a wedding here? Isn't there a reception?' They said, 'No, they're still not here. Go back home. Come after 10:00. They'll be here.' So, talking about weddings and waiting. So, there's a parable about a wedding in Matthew 25. And so, I'll read about it. But before I read through it, and if you can project the ESV because that's the version I have in my hand and that's the version I'll be reading and that's the version I studied. So, we have a lot of Parables spoken by Jesus, and there are at least several categories. There are Parables about the Kingdom of Heaven, many parables about the kingdom of heaven, and there's also many parables of separation between the people who are accepted in the end and the people who are rejected in the end. So, you know the parable about the sheep and the goats, the fish where the bad fish were thrown away and the good fish were taken to the market to be sold. You know the parable about the rich man and Lazarus, right? So, the Lazarus, the beggar, was by Abraham's bosom, and the rich man was sent into the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and he was burning in Hellfire, and there he opened his eyes and he looked up. So, we have that Parable. And there's a lot of wedding Parables also. You know, there's a big Feast, wedding feast, and you know the master of the feast calls people to come there. There's one occasion where this person comes without a wedding garment, and then they send him out. They said, 'You don't belong here because you're not wearing the right clothes to be in this wedding.' You know, there's a big Feast. It may or may not have been a wedding Feast. Again, it's a parable, and many people were invited.

And the people were busy. They made lame excuses. 'So, I married a wife, I bought me a cow.' Right? 'I bought me a cow, I married a wife.' So, they bought a cow, and they're busy going, you know, doing whatever they do with cows, maybe milking the cow or taking care of the cow, and they couldn't be bothered. So, he said, 'Go out into the streets, bring all the blind, the lame, the poor, you know

, not the big people, the important people, bring the small people in.' So, we here have a parable that's about the Kingdom of Heaven. It's also this parable about the separation between the people who will enter the kingdom of heaven and those who will not, and it's a parable of a wedding. So, I will read through this. And yes, the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight, there was a cry, 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' But the wise answered, saying, 'Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward, the other virgins also came, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open to us.' But he answered, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not know you. Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.'

So, let me break down this Parable. It starts with the Kingdom of Heaven. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is us. It is us here in New Life Fellowship, Yelahanka. It is us who are bringing a little piece of Heaven to this Earth. I think you used a good word, right? There's something about this world, this terrible world or something like that. So, you know, stinky world. Yes, in the stinky World, we're bringing a bit of light, and you know, maybe the ruling authorities and the government may not want the spread of the Kingdom of Heaven, but they cannot stop us because the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than them, and the more they do to prevent us, the more we will spread, the more we will grow, and bring this Kingdom of Heaven Down to Earth.

But now, it's compared to ten virgins. This kingdom of heaven and they took the lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five were foolish, five were wise. So, we had virgins, unmarried girls who were given a duty in the wedding. They had to carry the lamps. Why did they need lamps? It will be dark, yes. So, therefore, they were given the job of holding the lamps. And how do they make sure the lamps stay lit for as long as this wedding celebration is going to go on? Oil, exactly. They need oil, and they had to continuously keep feeding the oil, maybe every half hour or every hour, add a little bit more oil so the lamp will keep burning by means of the oil. Yes, and the wise virgins had flasks of oil with them. They just didn't have oil in the lamp; they had additional oil in flasks. They were prepared for however long the wedding may go on. But foolish virgins showed up without oil. You know, when preparing for music, we learned a phrase with five Ps: proper preparation prevents poor performance, right? And we know Anna did a great job leading worship. And I'm sure she was really properly prepared, and she had her own original song, which is always wonderful to hear, and praise God for that. I really experienced God's presence as she led the worship. And Benji did a great job on the drums, and we had a guitar player, Brian, also did a great job, and praise God for that. And they were properly prepared, so it prevented poor performance. And they were not prepared with oil at all; they had no oil; they had a lamp but lamp with them, but they had no oil. What does the oil represent? The Holy Spirit. They did not have the Holy Spirit; some had the Holy Spirit, some did not have the Holy Spirit. And the bridegroom was delayed; they all became drowsy and slept. So, of course, there are two parties in every wedding, right? You have the bride's party, and you have the bridegroom's party, and then the wedding and the reception will be at a particular location. And perhaps the bride's party is already there, I don't know, or when the bridegroom starts heading towards this location, the bride also heads, but apparently these virgins were probably hired or, you know, maybe from the bridegroom's party. They had selected The Virgins so that they can provide oil. Maybe they had some sort of a role as an usher in the wedding.

Now, why specifically do they have to be virgins? What happens as they stand there or as they go around, maybe holding a lamp in their hand and maybe greeting the guests and holding in the lamp? What is going to shine bright? As they hold the lamp, their faces are going to shine bright, right? It's also, as they are the virgins holding the lamps in the wedding, they're going to be noticed a lot and very likely as prospective wife for maybe some of the young gentlemen who are going to be at the wedding, or maybe the gentlemen will be looking out, and maybe even the parents of the gentlemen, I don't know, depends on the culture. And that was a very important privilege for them because by them being there in their wedding, being everyone's thinking about weddings, everyone's talking about weddings, and everyone's in that happy mood, and then they notice these girls, and probably that was a good opportunity for them to secure their future by getting a husband who might notice them in the wedding because probably people travel far and wide, and possibly people have not known them or seen them before, and that was a great opportunity. And so, some were ready, some were not ready, some had the oil, some did not have oil.

Now, how do we get this oil of the Holy Spirit? Of course, my oil got filled higher and higher as when we had worship, and you know when we had our first service too, and I was getting filled with the Holy Spirit. But also, whenever we first believe and we receive Jesus as our savior, the spirit of God comes to indwell our body permanently until the day we leave this Earth. With that, I'll just go on to Ephesians 4:30 and read one verse from there. Ephesians 4:30, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." The Holy Spirit of God is sealed in our bodies. Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in us until the day we die. We can be aware of this fact or we can not be aware of the fact. We can realize the Holy Spirit's in us and we can make him comfortable in our body, or we can make the Holy Spirit uncomfortable. We can make the

Holy Spirit uncomfortable by what we take in through our senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and what we hear. We might be hearing or seeing or something's going on that makes the Holy Spirit, you know, you shouldn't be doing this, you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be watching this, and you know it makes us uncomfortable because we can bring in other squatters, you know, other residents into the home that makes the Holy Spirit uncomfortable. But when we're In God's Presence, worshiping with God's people, yes, the Holy Spirit is very happy to be in our body. But we either have the Holy Spirit or we don't have the Holy Spirit. We are either saved or we are not saved. And if we have the Holy Spirit, yes, Pastor Manohar can anoint me, pray for me, put his hands on me, and pray, and I get filled more with the Holy Spirit. Yes, but if I don't have the spirit at all, I don't have it until the day, you know, God touches me. Of course, it's the Spirit that helps me believe in the first place that Jesus is the Son of God, and Jesus is God, that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, that He rose again on the third day, and that I have to confess my sins, and He is faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins, and I have a home in heaven when I die.

So, the bridegroom was delayed. Of course, I have to look at my watch from time to time, just to make sure I don't go over time. And they could know the time sometimes in the day when the sun's up, they had what is called a sundial, and watching the shadow of the sundial, they could kind of calculate the time. But when the sun came down, how do you know the time? Maybe they had some methods, I don't know. Maybe there's a lot of guesswork. And, of course, now we live by the clock; everything is scheduled to the tee. Of course, those days, they were more relaxed; they were probably less stressed because, yeah, and of course, the bridegroom took his own sweet time. The bridegroom would have been with his family, you know, saying his last goodbyes maybe. Maybe they had a party of their own. But the head of the bridegroom's family makes the decision. Maybe the last big decision he will be under his father. So, the father decides, 'All right, son, it's time to head over for the wedding.' And he's the one who makes that decision as the father. Maybe the son may not be aware when he's going to be going; he might be in a big hurry, but he has to wait for the father to get ready, and then they head over to the wedding feast. And, of course, he took a long time, and they were all sitting around, the ten virgins, the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins and whoever else was there. And the virgins, they all became tired and fell asleep wherever they are. I don't know why they couldn't use that time to go get some oil, but at midnight, there was a cry, 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!' Around midnight, finally, pretty late in the night, the bridegroom started coming. Maybe some people came running ahead of the bridegroom and started informing everyone. The cry rang out, 'The bridegroom, he's here! Come on, let's go ahead and meet him!' And so, they all went out to meet him."

And so, the foolish suddenly realized, "The bridegroom's here! The bridegroom's here! We're missing something!" What are they missing? Oil. So they go to the wise virgins and say, "Please share your oil with us." But the wise virgins were wise; they were called wise for a reason. They said no. Sometimes it's wise to say no. You can do favors for people, and yes, we have to be kind and generous, but not at the expense of yourself. You have a job to do. You need to hold out your lamps for as long as this wedding feast is going to go on, and you cannot give your oil to someone else who has come unprepared. Esther, my wife, told me (and she's been in office jobs and rescuing those who are being trafficked), and even now she's working in an organization called Reset 180, their job is to rescue girls in sex trafficking. I'm not so aware of how the office work goes, but often you have projects and deadlines, and you have something to accomplish by a certain time. She said, "I know this: people use this one phrase, 'Your poor planning doesn't constitute my emergency.' Someone might not plan properly, not do their job properly, and suddenly, in the last minute, they make a loud noise and say, 'Hey, get this done! Hey, you come here, I got to do this, I got to do this,' and they start bothering everyone. It happens in your office, okay, you know, but get your job done on time." They had plenty of time, and instead of falling asleep, maybe they could have gone and looked for oil. But they were caught napping, they fell asleep, and then the bridegroom comes, and then they say, "Give us your oil," and they say no. We're not sharing our oil. You know, if you're unsaved, even if your best friend, your mother, your spouse has the Holy Spirit in them, you know, you do not have the Holy Spirit in you. You need to receive the Holy Spirit first, receive Jesus as your personal savior, and the Holy Spirit comes into you to dwell in you. So it doesn't matter, we can't really share the Holy Spirit unless the Holy Spirit's in you. But the wise said, "We can't give it to you, but we have an idea. There will be not enough for us." But go to the dealers and buy for yourself. I don't know how easy and hard it would be to buy oil at midnight. So when I arrived here in Bangalore, and it's been 5 years, so I told my nephew, he drives different vehicles, he drives the car or a bike or something. So I asked him, "Okay, hey, take me to that, there's some malls here where you can buy some stuff, there's a store nearby called Moore." Have you heard of the store? It's a couple of kilometers from my house. So I told my mom, "I need to go to Moore, I need to buy something." She said, "If you go to Moore, half the shelves are going to be empty, you're not going to get anything." So I told my nephew, "Take me to the Soul Space Arena." I went to the Soul Space Arena and they had shut it down completely, and they, I think they were tearing down the building, some construction is going on, they're going to rebuild something over there. I said, "Like, how do you guys buy anything?" They said, "Oh, we've got our apps and we have UPI and we have Zepo, we have Zepto, we have Blinket, and we have Swiggy Zato." So I needed, I ordered something on Amazon, it still hasn't come. So I told them, "Yeah." They said, "PI got it for you in 10 minutes by Zepto." I don't know, you can get anything around the clock, almost just by using your app and paying online, and they come really quickly. I guess they didn't have Zepto and Blinket, and they couldn't order oil. Can you use Zepto and Blinket at midnight and ask them to bring something? Okay, you haven't tried. You're well-prepared, I'm sure there's plenty of oil in your house. I don't think you'll be at midnight, "Oh, I need oil, I need oil." So I don't know what stores they could have gone to get oil. I don't know how hard they would have searched. I don't know if they would have had to wake anybody up. But I don't know if they even succeeded in getting oil. The story doesn't say. And Jesus is an amazing storyteller. He told these parables that we learn so much out of each parable about our real life, you know, and about God and about the Holy Spirit. So while they were not there when the bridegroom actually reached the location, they were out hunting for oil, and those who are ready went in with the bridegroom to the marriage feast. So there was a big marriage feast, and I'm actually going to Kerala on Friday to a wedding on Saturday, and I'll be back on Saturday night. So they went to the marriage feast and they got in, and the wise virgins with the lamps got in, and the foolish virgins show up later and say, "Lord, Lord, open to us." Who's the Lord? The bridegroom, yes, this is talking about Jesus ultimately. And I don't know, they were shouting from outside, loudly. Maybe they had some nice music playing and people were just enjoying themselves. They probably had to pound on the door and shout loudly, "Lord, Lord, let us in." Who chooses the virgins or selects the virgins to be in the wedding? The bridegroom or the bridegroom's family, the party, and maybe friends of the bridegroom or friends of the bridegroom's family would say, "Hey, I have a daughter, she's not married. Can she be part of your wedding and be one of the lamp ladies holding the lamp?" And so it's the bridegroom who picks, you know, the virgins to be the lamp ladies. But here's the bridegroom saying, "I don't know you." Why does he not know them? Didn't he pick them? He doesn't know them because they're not part of this wedding feast. They're excluded. They're outsiders. And he says, "Truly, truly, I don't know you." And finally, Jesus ends with the statement, "Watch, therefore, you know neither the day nor the hour." He's talking about, as you already mentioned, the ultimate bridegroom. He's coming to take his bride, our church, the church of Jesus, all of us around the world who are in various churches. He's coming to take his bride. We don't know when he's going to come. He doesn't know when he's going to come. God the Father decides when to send him. And he's going to first come to meet us in the air, and we who believe in him will be taken. Believers, or our life may end and we still go to meet Jesus. Either way, we're going to meet Jesus. However, you know, the unbelievers don't. Those who do not believe Jesus is God, the Son of God, will not meet him. But those who believe in him will meet him. However, we have to still be prepared. Whether we're unbelievers, you can become a believer. And if you are a believer, we have to still be a believer because there is also a judgment for believers. And before we enter our eternal home, we are given rewards. For our eternal home, we have a passage in 1 Corinthians 3. I'll briefly touch on this because we're running out of time. 1 Corinthians 3. I'll just jump to verse 12. "If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, so we see three items that are not perishable: gold, silver, precious stones. And we see three easily flammable and perishable items: wood, hay, straw. Each one's work will be manifest. The day will disclose it." Jumping to verse 14, "If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire." This person is saved. We are constantly building our rewards. We are storing up our treasures in heaven. We are constantly building, as believers, we are either building our house with gold, silver, precious stones, or we're adding some wood here, we're adding some straw here. And what's the other thing? Hay. Would hay and straw pretty much the same thing, I think. And we don't know how big our house is going to be, but when that fire comes, you know, a big house may shrink down. The only thing that's going to stand is the gold, silver, and precious stones. And all the trials we face, and that we pass the test, that we pass the difficulties we endure, the suffering we have in life, you know, that's trials are going to turn to gold. But wherever we have turned to something else other than God for in our time of suffering, some other painkiller to kill our pain and divert our energy from God and maybe even sin, we're building with wood, hay, and straw. Just pretty much useless. You can mix wood, hay, and straw with gold, silver, and precious stones, it will not stand. It will not stand the quality test. The quality test is done with fire. So therefore, Jesus is coming. We need to be prepared. We need to be ready. We need to be aware. Jesus is going to come anytime. And, as I mentioned, if somebody is coming to your house, somebody big, Pastor Mano is coming to your house, what are you going to do? You're going to clean, you're going to sweep it up, you're going to mop it up, you're going to make sure all the dishes, the table is set well. In any items you don't want Pastor to see, true, you're going to hide it somewhere. Any unwanted items will disappear, hopefully permanently, you know? And then yes, we clean up our house, the Holy Spirit cleans our house. The Holy Spirit may say, "Do this, you've got to clean your house." The Holy Spirit may say, "You know, I remember once just a couple of weeks ago, the Holy Spirit told me, 'Send an apology email to that person.'" So I was feeling very tired, very sleepy. I said, "Holy Spirit, I'm very tired, I'm very sleepy. I'll go take a nice nap, I'll wake up, I'll come and send that email." So I said, "Okay." I went to the bed, I laid down, I don't know how long I laid down, maybe about two hours I lay down in the bed, no sleep came. No sleep came for two hours. Why? The Holy Spirit said, "Clean that house, go send that email, apology." But I said, "No, no, I'm going to take a nap, completely pointless, no taking a nap." Finally, I got up from the bed, went down to my computer, and sent that email. And then I did some more work on the computer. Then after some time, I felt sleepy again. I said, "No use going to the bed." Earlier, I tried to go to the bed, and I didn't get any sleep. No use going to the bed. Then I thought, "Okay, maybe I'll just go try, because I didn't get any sleep." So I went to the bed, and I slept like a baby. Esther came back from work, I was still sleeping. She's like, "How is this guy sleeping so soundly right now?" Allow the Holy Spirit to clean up that house, and allow that Holy Spirit to dwell in you. And if you do not know the Lord, it's time you can receive Him right now, right today. And Pastor Mano, please, you may speak a little bit more, expand on what I... Thank you. Thank you, Marcus, round of applause unto Jesus, amen. These are some of the truths that we need to be reminded of, periodically, regularly, about the coming of Jesus, amen, hallelujah. Sometimes, we can get overwhelmed or get so busy with things of life, day-to-day things, our challenges, struggles, situations. We might tend to forget this powerful truth that Jesus is coming back, amen, hallelujah. All our longings, all of us, somewhere inside, there is a burning question or desire to see equality in our nation. How many of you like to see poverty around? How many of you like to see injustice around? How many of you like to see discrimination around? Like to see that? All of us, if you're really sane, you know and have some humanity, I'm sure all of us have... we are sensitive, we want to see a world which is peaceful, righteousness-filled, justice, equality, joyful, prosperous. You see, all the desires, have you, and all these desires are nothing wrong, you know, and those are good desires, but that cannot be met by any human system in this world, okay? So they... it will all only keep increasing, as... as we all intercede, we all pray, "God, you know, take away all these things." But the world events will all converge to a point that where all the world will look up, you know, "God, save us," you know, that's... to that point, the world will reach it. Then we see, you know, Jesus... Jesus has given indications in the same Matthew chap 24, I guess he has given signs of his coming. There'll be signs in the politics, signs in the nature, signs, you know, in the world event happening around, all the things that must precede before he comes. And Israel is a very good indicator for us how close we are, and all the unrest that is happening, you know, for the world

it might not mean anything, but for us, it should mean something, that we're all close to the end. We are not even at the last days, we are the last moments of the end to come. So how are we going to respond to this? As he rightly said, if some of us have been coming to church for a long time but postponing that decision to really give our hearts, "Yes, I love Jesus, I know him, he's a great guy, you know, Bible is true," you might know it, but if you're not really surrendered, postponing... could be one or two or three in this hall here, you know? I don't think it's worth postponing it even for a day to experience Jesus as the Lord and savior of your life, amen. Second, majority of us here know Jesus, we have experienced Jesus. So how prepared are we? How much are we longing? Does that thought cross our minds day, you know, to see? I don't know about you, but when I... you hear about things are happening in the country and around as I drive down and see things happening, this prayer keeps on coming up from within me, "Jesus, come soon," because I know that only he can set those things right. I keep praying, "Lord, let your kingdom come," amen. So this a glorious hope that we have, you know, for the world, they wonder, they don't know what's going to happen, but as believers, we do know what's going to happen. You cannot say, "I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow." We know what's going to happen tomorrow. The question is, are we prepared, pa for it? Such a great challenge, thank you Marcus for throwing that challenge up this morning for us, you know, that we continually prepare our house, allowing the Holy Spirit to work, that we are as every day we go to bed cleaning up our house, at least night or morning at some day you do some cleaning work, especially those of us who are kids, we know how much clean more cleaning work to be done, you know? So let's cle keep our house. This is the house for the Holy Spirit, amen. Church is not something secret place where God dwells here, so we are our best here because God is here, and then go back to homes and think that, you know, God is not there and you can get away with whatever we do in our bedrooms or, you know, private spaces. God is everywhere. He's as much in our bedroom and private room as much as he is's here, is there as well. So we need to get our act cleaned up every day, preparing that preparing ourselves to meet our Lord and saor Jesus Christ, amen, hallelujah. So there is eternal rewards, I shared this sometime back as well about the eternal rewards that we have. Many of us would say, "Pastor, if I somehow make it to Heaven, praise the Lord, happy, just pass, I'm happy." But I'm telling you, the day when you stand there and you get to see all the people around you, probably weaker than you, less talented than you, less prosperous than you, they might be called up the huge, that's going to be a huge auditorium in heaven, imagine all the people who were ever born from time of Adam to the last person, can you imagine, millions of people names would be called and given awards and praises, you know, accit for what they have done, and you'll be there. What you'll be doing? I don't want to be in that place, you know? So let's focus on doing the will of God, that we will not be spectators there, but they will give an applause for us as a cloud of witness or gone ahead of us, you know, they are waiting for us to complete them now, let's run the race that is set before us, worthy enough to win the prize from Jesus Christ, amen.


The tale of two fathers


Just One Thing