A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another

John 13:34–35

The biblical importance of fellowship is based on the fact that spiritual growth happens best within a community with similar goals. Join us at one of our 5 Life Groups, located across North Bangalore, as we come together for a deeper walk of faith.

Life Groups - Don’t do life alone

  • Hebbal

    Welcome! Looking for a place to connect, pray, and study the Word? We warmly invite you to our Hebbal life group, where fellowship and spiritual growth await you. We meet every alternate Thursday evening for a time of connection and community. Albin and Francilla, our dedicated leaders, will guide you and ensure you feel at home. Engage in prayer and reading the Word together, strengthening your faith.

    Be Part of Our Community

  • Vidyanarayanpura

    Welcome! Sandeep and Anna, the leaders of our Vidyanarayanpura life group, warmly invite you to join us for a wonderful time of fellowship. Connect with us every alternate Thursday evening for meaningful fellowship and community. Engage in prayer, discussions, and reading the Word together, experiencing spiritual growth and blessings.

    Come and join us to be part of a loving and supportive community. Your presence will make our gatherings even more special.

  • Puttenahalli

    Welcome! We all long for genuine community, but sometimes Sunday mornings just aren't enough. That's why we believe in the power of small groups. Led by the warm and welcoming couple Sudhakar and Shirley, our Puttenahalli Life Group opens its doors every alternate Thursday to anyone seeking a deeper connection through prayer and fellowship. Experience genuine connections and meaningful conversations in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. If you reside anywhere near Puttenahalli, we invite you to join us in building a vibrant community that nurtures faith and friendship.

  • Kannur

    Welcome! Are you in or near Kannur and looking for a supportive community? We warmly invite you to join our vibrant life group! Led by Suraj and Rose, our group is a place of connection, growth, and prayer.

    In our life group, you'll find, Supportive Leadership - Suraj and Rose are dedicated leaders who will guide and pray for you. Connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting relationships. Join us every alternate Thursday to deepen your faith and grow together.

    We can't wait to welcome you into our group!

  • Honenahalli

    Welcome! In the serene neighborhood of Honenahalli, Sandeep and Ramaya extend a warm invitation to join our life group. Discover True Community as we gather every alternate Thursday for a time of fellowship and prayer. Experience authentic community and build meaningful relationships. Join us for heartfelt prayers and discussions that deepen your faith.

    Whether you're a neighbor or simply seeking fellowship, we invite you to be part of our Honenahalli Life Group.