To establish Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, Bible-based Churches that grow and multiply across nations so as to transform lives and communities.

We are committed to

Edify through Word, Worship, Prayer and Fellowship.

Envision through Intercession, Inspiration and Impartation.

Empower through laying on of hands and releasing resources.

Enlarge through community engagement and evangelism.

Equip through Discipleship.

Statement Of Faith

While we realize that we cannot confine God to mere articles of faith, we also recognize the importance of doctrine in these days when people are being led astray by false teachings. To avoid being tossed about by the winds of doctrine, it is important for every believer to have a firm foundation in the basic fundamental doctrines of the Scriptures.

Core Values

  • To God.

    To the Local Church.

    To the Leadership.

    To the Vision.

  • By Accepting and Caring.

    By Nurturing Healthy Relationships.

    By Developing God-given Potential.

  • By Being Accountable.

    By Being Responsible.

    By Being Transparent.

    By Having a spirit of Excellence.

  • We Serve.

    We Respect.

    We Honor.

    We Submit.

  • By Believing that the Bible is infallible, inerrant and God inspired.