Open Heavens

Hallelujah, hallelujah! Yeah, come on, a little louder! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Such a joy to be here this morning to worship the Lord, amen. Can you give a big clap to the worship team today, amen? Such a joy to be here. I want to thank Pastor Manohar for inviting me, and every year the fasting prayer has been a wonderful time. I look forward to being here, you know, because the Lord is at work in this church. How many of you know the Lord is at work in you and through you? What happens if it doesn't happen inside of you, it never happens outside of you. So, I believe that the church will move with the Lord, because God moves with movers. And he will never sit with sitters, amen? If you want God to stand with you, keep moving. Never be stagnated, because a lot of things that God wants to show up, amen. So, may the Lord bless your fasting. How long is the fasting prayer? 21 days? Okay, so pursue. I believe the glory is going to get thicker and thicker, stronger and stronger. I hear only two people saying amen. Some of you, your amen is not born again. Louder, amen, amen, hallelujah!

Okay, before the end of the sermon, we will repent and we will make a little louder noise, amen? I'm a noisy preacher. And how many of you know the Holy Spirit is a noisy God? Many people say, "Pastor, we want just silent worship." I suggest you should go to a graveyard and sit. It's very quiet there, you know. You can keep talking to some spirits, you know. But how many of you know the church was birthed in sound, not in silence? The Bible says when they were praying, a great sound came from heaven, and the church was birthed. So, you know, if you don't like sound, maybe you're in the wrong place. I believe where there is living, there is sound. The Bible says the dead shall not praise him, but I believe that everything that has breath praises the Lord. So, your request for praising God is not anything else. If you have breath, praise the Lord, amen. Turn to two people and ask them, "Are you breathing?" You better praise the Lord, amen, which means if you're not praising, you are—I don't want to say that. Amen! If you're not praising God, you're actually dead. But I believe that everything that has breath praises the Lord, amen.

I want to thank the man of God. He's such a great friend, a brother, and a man of wisdom, a man of conviction. Thank God for your pastor. How many of you are happy for your pastor? Amen! When was the last time you went and gave him a—you shook his hand, you gave him a hug, and said, "Thank you, Pastor, for pasturing me"? When was the last time you did it? "Oh, after all, it's a headache. Let him do it." No, no, no, no, hallelujah! How many of you know the pastor's job is not easy? You know, you have two children and your head is spinning in your house, and you have 150, you know, all different characters, you know. Very difficult, come on, yes or no? Yes or no? Pray for your pastor, love your pastor, honor him. You know, when the father, when the daddy is happy in the house, everything is happy, you know. So, I pray that this church will walk in honor, that we will walk in revelation,

that it'll be easy for God to move, amen? Come on, don't stare at me, come on, react to me, respond to me. I know I look smart, you know, but it's okay, you can talk to me, amen, hallelujah, hallelujah, praise the Lord!

Shall we close our eyes and look up to the Lord in prayer? Father, I pray that this morning, you will help us to learn what we haven't learned, and help us to unlearn what we shouldn't have learned. I pray the Holy Spirit will move with revelation, giving light into our path. Your word says your word is a light into our feet, a lamp into our path. I pray that your word will come with direction, navigation, and I pray that we will know who you are, that we will know who we are, and we will know our assignment. Oh Father God, I pray that the Spirit of God will fill us one more time, that we will go refreshed, restored, resurrected, renewed from your Tabernacle. Speak to us, oh Father God, take over my lips and you speak. Let your word come with fresh Rama, oh Lord. Give us a heart of understanding, give us a heart of receptiveness, give us a heart of thirst, so that when you speak, we will grab it with all of our hearts. In Jesus' name we pray, and God's people shouted, I said shouted, amen!

Amen, hallelujah, it's working. Pastor, it's so important that every time we have to know our God and know who we are. We need to go to the beginning. The Bible says, "In the beginning, God created." In the beginning was the Word. I want to give you a suggestion: whatever you begin in your life, make sure you begin with God. Whether it's your family, whether it's your education, any decision, make sure you begin with God, because the Bible says, "In the beginning, God created heaven and earth." It is so important. Many of—I've seen many people, they begin something in their own flesh, and when they are stuck, then they come to God. But it's important that every time you begin something, you go to the presence of God, inquire of him, and you say, "Lord, is this what you want me to do? Is your hand upon this? Is this your will? Are you in my beginning?" And then it's much safer.

Let's turn our Bibles to the Book of Genesis 1:28. This is the word that God speaks over man and woman. How many of you know the Bible begins in a wedding and ends in a wedding, amen? It begins with the wedding of Adam and Eve, and it ends with the wedding of the Lamb. How many of you know the second coming of the Lord is not a convention and a crusade, it is the wedding, amen? Turn to somebody and say, "Get ready for the wedding, hallelujah!" When he's going to come, he's going to come not for anybody else, he's coming for his bride. Now, someone said, "God doesn't want girlfriends, he wants a bride." You know, a girlfriend can flirt with 11 guys and go marry the 12th, you know, but a bride is not like that. You're covenanted with one man, it's a covenanted relationship. That's who we are. It's the Old Testament and New Testament, nothing but the Old Covenant and New Covenant. The Bible is a covenanted book, we are a covenanted people, and God is serious about covenant. And this is what God looks at man and woman in the Garden of Eden, and this is his first reaction when he looks at his own creation. Let me read it for you: Genesis 1:28. And God blessed them. Hallelujah! You know, God is so good, God is so proud of his creation. He looks at man and woman, and this is his reaction, he says, "Be fruitful and multiply." Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life. As long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God, you can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory, because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your—every setback is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary, you carry something eternal and everlasting, and that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up,

hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory.

You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion."

What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ. This is what says, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." What was God trying to say to man and woman, Adam and Eve? He does not say, "Go to fasting prayer," or "Go to street evangelism." No, no. The first thing God looks at man and says, "Hey, I want to bless you." What is the blessing? Be fruitful and multiply. Every child of God, you're called to live a fruitful life. You're called to live a life of victory. You're called to live a life of moving forward. There is no stagnation in a believer's life as long as your family, your life is centered in the presence of God. You can never see failures. Even if there's failures, God will turn it to be a victory because my Bible says, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who are called according to his purpose." Every setback is a setup for you to get up and rise up, hallelujah! Every setup in your life is a setup, hallelujah! If anything that the enemy is fighting against you, he's not fighting something ordinary. You carry something extraordinary. You carry something eternal and everlasting. And that is why the fight is all about. Here we see God says,

"Be fruitful and multiply." How many of you have a desire in your heart, "I want to be fruitful, I want to multiply?" You know, the Bible says, even in your old age, you'll be fruitful. You know, I know we're missing a couple today. He's celebrating his 75th birthday. They are from England, he was the former missions director for the World AG, he's traveled about 130 nations. He's 75 years old, his wife is about 72. His wife, 72, every Saturday, she goes for a marathon. She runs 5 miles to 10 miles every Saturday. For us, if we are 70, we're ready to go to heaven. And here is a woman who goes for a run every Saturday. They travel the world, you know. Yes, both of them have some health issues, but they travel, and every time I sit with these elderly couple, they say, "No, we want to go more for the Lord, we want to be fruitful." Let me tell you, never let the number deceive you, amen? There's no retirement for a child of God. You are called to shine until you close your eyes here and open your eyes there. You're called to shine the light of Christ.

The next question God is asking, you know, God is asking Adam, "Adam, where are you?" as if God didn't know where Adam was.

Have you ever played hide-and-seek with your children? The children hide behind the door and say, "Mommy, I've hidden myself, please find me," as if you don't know, and you go searching for the child for 2 minutes as if you don't know where the child is. Come on, have you ever done that? If you don't, you'll have babies, and you will do it in Jesus' name. Yeah, that's exactly what's happening here. Hide and Seek. David says, "Even if I go to the depths of the ocean, God, you're there. Where can I hide from your presence?" And here God is calling Adam, "Where are you?" Which means the question was not about geography, the question was spiritual. God knew where Adam was hiding, but God was asking, "Hey Adam, I created you in my presence, I created you in my glory, where did you go away from my glory? I gave you that boldness, I gave you faith and love, where did you move away, Adam? Where are you?"

The safest place for a child of God to live is in the presence of God. I pray from this fasting prayer that you will practice the presence. There's a lovely book called "Practicing the Presence of God," a beautiful book. If you get out of it, read it. Sorry, if you read it, write about it. Practice the presence. When you wake up, you know, some of us, you know, I've heard people coming for prayer. So one hour, they'll talk, 58 minutes they'll talk about the devil, one minute they talk about God. Have you ever seen people like that? Always sin-conscious, devil-conscious. No, we have to be Christ-conscious. You wake up in the presence. You wake up praising God, waking up in thanksgiving. When you go to bed, you sleep with worship. You practice the presence of God.

I still remember when my wife was pregnant before Michaela was born, she had a miscarriage. And I was out, and suddenly there was an emergency. She was in terrible pain. We rushed her to Apollo. They took her to the emergency. They said the tube is about something horrible happened. They said, "We have to..." She had a miscarriage. She needs medical help immediately. So I'm standing outside the emergency, I'm hearing my wife screaming in pain inside and outside. I said, "Lord, I'm not going to fret it. I'm not going to be crying and lamenting. I'm going to start praising and worshiping." Actually, I was worshiping outside. I was worshiping God. I said, "Lord, I hear my wife crying out in pain, but I'm going to choose to praise you and love you and worship you because worship is deliberate." After 10 minutes of worshiping, I went into the room, by room, started praying for sick people. When the doctors were doing a procedure, I said, "No, God, you're going to take care of my wife. I'm going to start serving you. I'm going to start praying for somebody who's in need. Everyone has problems in the world, but a child of God reacts to it. The child of God doesn't react, you respond. Turn to somebody and say, 'You're not called to react, you're called to respond.' Respond. The world reacts, but you respond. You get a negative report, you don't react, you respond. You face a challenge, you don't react, you respond. What is your response? I believe that God is still my healer. I know He's going to work it for my good. My testimony is at hand. I don't react out of my circumstances, I respond in faith. How many of you know it's very easy to sing, you know? Some of us will go to hell because of singing, 'I surrender all.' What a big bluff. 'All to Jesus I surrender.' All to Him I freely give. My goodness, you know what that song means? The song means even that one rupee in my pocket belongs to God. Then you can sing that song. All to Jesus I surrender. Some songs sound very romantic and very spiritual. No, no, no, no. Are you with me?

Your worship will be tested in the midst of your fire. Your faith will be tested in the midst of your turmoil and chaos. It's very easy to praise God when everything is nice, but when things go against me, can I still stand my ground and say I'm going to worship Him? I'm going to praise Him because I don't react, I respond. Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten the tree which I've commanded you not to eat? And God had to remove Adam and Eve from a place called Eden. Eden means open heavens, presence, a place of favor. The actual meaning for Eden means the presence of God. The word Eden means open door, the word Eden means open heavens, the word Eden means a place of favor. So God said, "I can't have you in Eden. I need to bring you out of Eden."

Let's quickly go to the life of Jesus because the Bible says what the first Adam lost, who's Jesus, the last Adam. It never says the second Adam. If Jesus was a second Adam, which means there's a third Adam, but Adam was the first Adam, and Jesus was not the second Adam, he was the last Adam. He settled it once and for all. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Let's go back to Jesus because he's our ultimate, you know?

Matthew 4:1. Anybody receiving? Is God speaking to you? Matthew 4:1. Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Okay, before this, what happens? Jesus goes to the River Jordan. Say Jordan, Jordan. Turn to somebody and say, "Don't go to any river, go to Jordan." Jordan means power, power, power. Pray in Jordan, pray in power. Worship in Jordan, worship in power. Amen, hallelujah. Let me tell you, if power is removed from Christianity, it becomes religion. Unfortunately, Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with the living God. You know what Christianity is? Christ living in you and through you. Actually, some of us, we are very proud to say, "I'm a Christian," but actually, the word Christian was a mocking name given to the first-century Christians. Hey, look at them, you know? Christians. Hey, they look like Jesus. Have you ever heard anybody near your house, in your road, in your street, come? You look like Christ. Has anybody told you? Come on. When was the last time your wife told you, "Honey, you just look like Christ." Come on, husbands, lift up your hands. When was the last time your wife and your wife came and told you, "Hey , sweetheart, you just look like Christ." It's time to be like Jesus. Come on, somebody say, "I want to be like Jesus." Come on, somebody say, "I want to be like Jesus." Somebody said, "What would Jesus do?" Somebody said, "What would Jesus do?" Somebody said, "What would Jesus say?" What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say? Somebody said, "I want to be like Jesus." Jesus said, "I've come to show you how to live." He didn't come to show us how to die. If he came to show us how to die, why should we live? Jesus came to show us how to live.


Fasting Prayer Day 7 Evening


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