
Walking Through Open Doors

"We want to thank you for your presence in our midst. You're a loving father, Lord, and you continue to speak to us in every season of our life. Your word is life, your word is power, your word is light. Father, I pray that your Holy Spirit himself will illuminate your word to us this morning and it will become a revelation to us. And that, Lord, we will see you in a new light and our faith would increase as we hear the word of God. And Lord, you would guide us and direct us. Holy Spirit, take complete control over this time. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. One more round of huge applause and Jesus [applause]. Amen.

If you have your Bibles, I suppose you have your Bibles. You can turn your Bible to the letters of Jesus. Some of you got it; the letters of Jesus are found in the Book of Revelation. We're so familiar with the letters of Paul, James, Peter, John, and we forget sometimes Jesus also wrote some letters, you know, to his churches. That's found in the Book of Revelation. I would like to talk to you all this morning about one of the letters that Jesus wrote to one of the seven churches that are mentioned in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of The Book of Revelation. And I believe there's something God wants to talk to us prophetically.

Book of Revelation 3:7-3, let me read that for you. I'd like all of you to pay close attention to it and then let's understand what the Lord wants to tell us today through these verses: 'Unto the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; these things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.'

How many of you have ears? So let us hear this morning what the Spirit of God has to say to us through the words that we just read. One of the amazing things about God that I observe in scriptures is he always speaks. He constantly speaks, even to the disobedient people, rebellious people, people who are walking in the wrong path. God still speaks. That means he gives opportunities for them to turn back to him, to return to him. God is such an amazing God; his heart is always open to receive us and restore us back. Amen. Hallelujah.

So, this church here at Philadelphia is one of the seven churches to which Jesus wrote letters through Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. I'm sure all of you would understand Apostle John. The sound is not good, and I mean, something if we could get the frequency right. Some of [Thank you]. They're still working on it, praise God. As Anna mentioned about the new mixer and new instruments, they're still working on that. I'm sure they'll get it soon, okay? We're so used to one particular thing, and I'm finding it strange the kind of voice I'm hearing; am I speaking or somebody else is speaking? Okay, all right. God bless them; they're doing an excellent job; they're trying their best, you know? All right, so Philadelphia is one of the seven churches that Jesus wrote his letter in the Book of Revelation. They were all in the... if you want to locate them today, they're in western Turkey. Those days it was in Asia, and an interesting thing about this, all the seven churches, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. These are the seven churches; all are coming in a circular path. If one would go to visit all these churches, you would take the circular path. Apostle John knew these churches very well. If you would wonder why didn't Jesus write any letters to Galatian church or Roman Church, why did Jesus choose these seven churches is because Apostle John, as an old man, used to travel to all these churches, and they were on his mind. So Jesus had something very particular to say to these churches.

The word Philadelphia means Brotherly Love. 'Phos' in Greek means love, 'Delia' means brother. The city is called Philadelphia; it was named after by a king called Attalus 2. He loved his brother so much, and everybody knew how loyal he was, his fondness, his love for his brother. They named the city as Philadelphia. It was founded in 140 BC; it's a small City but called as a gateway to the east. It was positioned very strategically. All the army that was marching from Two and fro to the Asia would have to go through this Philadelphia. All the business people who traveled to Asia would have to go through this place called Philadelphia. It's a small City, but a very influential City, and God had placed that church very strategically to reach out to many nations around that. How many of you believe that God has placed us strategically here in North Bangalore where the airport is closer by, and all the IT parks are moving this side, hospitals, education centers? Do you know that God has intentionally, with a plan and a purpose, strategically like Philadelphia church? We might be small, but God is at work; he is building, and there is a reason why God has brought us here. We're going to influence North Bangalore for Jesus Christ. Amen, a round of huge applause to Jesus.

Another thing that I want you to notice is this Book of Revelation that was read, that was handed out to John, John was handing over to the person who was going to travel to all these churches. That book was read in every church. First Ephesus people would hear that word, then the church at Smyrna, then the church at Pergamum, all the seven churches, everybody heard that book thoroughly. I don't know how much time it would have taken for them to read all those chapters. For this 30 minutes, we get tired of listening, but during Ezra's time, from morning to evening, they read the scriptures. After 30 minutes, we'll be looking at the watch when the time is

ticking. Today I want to finish my sermon really early because I know a lot of testimonies are there of how people experience God during our fasting prayers. But I'll try to keep it as short as possible, you know? But the point I want you to note is this book was read aloud in their gatherings. Okay, so by the time Philadelphia Church comes, already about five churches' names have been mentioned. Imagine, you all, Church at Philadelphia, okay? And the pastor has received, the angel means the pastor, the leader, elder of the church has come and told this congregation, 'Guess what today? I'm not preaching. Today, I'm not preaching, but I've got something to tell from Jesus. Jesus has sent his letter, his book through our pastor, Senior Pastor John. Today, I'm not going to preach any sermon to you, but I'm going to read to you what Jesus had to say to all of you.' That's what the pastor would have announced that morning. And now they heard what God has to say about Ephesus Church.

Church at Ephesus was a very good church outwardly. There's a pattern in these letters in how Jesus wrote. First, he introduces himself, second, he appreciates them for something, he commends them. There's one church he did not have any appreciation for, that church is called Laodicea Church. It's a lukewarm church, neither hot, neither cold, they're all still coming, church, they're all still praying, still worshiping, still they're there, but Jesus had no word of appreciation for them. For those who are lukewarm, Jesus always either wants us to be hot or don't say let me be a two extremes. I don't want to go. For some of us, some of things what we do might be too extreme, you know? God wants us to be on fire. So they heard about Ephesus Church, they heard about Ephesus, what was the problem there? They had lost the first love. Jesus said, 'You have lost your first love.' They heard about it, churches Smyrna and Philadelphia were good churches. Jesus did not have anything to complain about them, anything to correct. Interestingly, both of these churches were going through persecution, but they were standing strong. Church at Pergamum, they heard Jesus said, 'You church at Pergamum, you are compromised. Sunday, you all look good, you're all praying, you're worshiping, but rest of the days, you're compromised, your values, your ethics, you become part of the world. So you're compromised.' The church at Pergamum, they're hearing directly from Jesus. This is a report card of Jesus to the churches. The way we see churches, the way how God sees churches are two different things. I'm sure that all of you would have made a choice to choose this church as a local church family. I don't know what you saw and made the choice, but generally what are the things that people want to see before making a choice to commit to a local church? Probably they're looking for a great infrastructure, probably they're looking whether the church is too famous, they have a charismatic pastor, a good parking place, good music, light, smoke, sound. I don't know, people make choices based on all those kind of things, you know? But when God sees, I don't know what God would say about all the churches, and I'm sure that all those of you who have chosen to be part of this church are not chosen for any of these reasons, because we neither have any of those things. I believe you have chosen this church because you experienced God's presence in this place, because you have seen the Lord's hand upon this church, you have seen the Lord at work, and you have seen God move in this church, you have seen this church as a vision, and that's why you've chosen to be this church. Am I right? So turn to your neighbor and say, 'Congratulations for choosing this church.' Hallelujah."

So they're finished with Ephesus Church, they're finished with SMA Church, they're finished with Pergamum Church. Then the church at T... Jesus said, "You are corrupted." Wow, what strong words. Today, people run after to hear inspirational, motivational churches—churches that don't talk about sin, churches that don't rebuke, churches that don't correct. That's the kind of churches people want to choose. Where, if I go, I need some nice feel-good factor. I want to feel good. Church is not a massage center. Church is supposed to be a birthing center. Hello! Church is not a massage center to give you a nice massage all the week you're tired and come to, you know, to make you feel good, but it's a birthing. We birth the purpose of God, birth the vision of God, birth the desires of God. So, good churches will disturb you, good churches will trouble you, good churches will not make you complacent, good churches will make you upset. For those people who just want to be, "Where I am, don't touch me, touch me not," those kind of people will be touched, okay? So, if you have chosen that, "I need to grow in my life, I need to experience God in my life, I know God is best for me, I know God has put great potential in me, and I want to live the best life that God has given me," those people will enjoy the spirit-filled churches where, you know, God is at work.

Pergamum, the corrupted church. The next church was Philadelphia. So Philadelphia, now as the pastor opens the letter and he's saying it's our turn to hear what Jesus had to say. They might be thinking, "We're a small city, small number, not much of influence, not popular," and they probably expected a hard rebuke from Jesus, but they're awaiting a great surprise. Surprise, surprise! Jesus said, "You are little, but you have kept my word and not denied my name." Hallelujah! I believe that's what the Lord wants to tell us as New Life Fellowship, Lanka Church. You might be little in number, you might be little in influence, you might be little in resources, but the Lord is telling to us as a church, "You have kept my word and have not denied my name." Hallelujah!

It's interesting the way Jesus introduces himself to this letter. First, he says, "The words of the Holy One, the true one." Jesus is the Holy One, amen. Jesus is the true one. And he says, "Who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens." This is referring to a person called Eliakim in the book of Isaiah, chapter 22, verse 22, somewhere there. It talks about a person called Eliakim. He had the keys of David's house. He lived during the time of Hezekiah. He had the keys to the treasured wall of the king. When he opened, it remained open. When he shut, it was shut. Jesus is referring to that, and he says, "I'm having the keys of David's house." That means Jesus has the keys to the kingdom. Hallelujah! When he opens the door, nobody can shut. When he shuts the door, nobody can open. He has the keys of the kingdom and all the blessings thereof. He has the keys for your healing. He has the keys for your freedom. He has the keys for your deliverance. He has the keys for your prosperity. Jesus has the keys. Hallelujah! If you want to see doors being opened in your life, go to the one who has the keys. It is Jesus, and he's more than glad to open those doors for you that you may experience all that is already planned and prepared for him, prepared for each one of you. Hallelujah!

Then verse 8 says, "I know your works." Is that a good thing to hear from Jesus? "I know your works." It's both good and bad because he knows everything. But it's an encouragement for this church. He's saying, "I know your works. You might not be popular, you might not be big, you might not be great, but I know you're faithful." So, the Lord says, "I know your works." I want to tell to each one of you who are laboring in this church, along with me and my wife, serving in whatever ways—many of you involved in ministry, setting up this place—I don't know how many of you realize a lot of things are going behind the screen to make it possible what we do, what we see on every Sunday, every program, what we do. There are people who are laboring along with me, and the Lord would want to tell everybody who are ministering in this church in some other way, some of you might be giving in financially, you know, some of you involved in ministries, whatever. The Lord says, "I know your works." Is a rewarder. Your reward is not from me. Sometimes I might appreciate, sometimes I might not, sometimes I might recognize, sometimes I may not, but everything that you're doing secretly, privately, without anybody noticing, Jesus, our rewarder, our Lord is taking note of it, and he says, "I know your works." You've seen it. Hallelujah!

And then it says, "Behold, I set before you an open door which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, but yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." The Lord wants to tell us this morning, "I have seen your works. I've seen that you're faithful in the little that you have. If you want to be successful, be faithful. If you are faithful, it will lead you to fruitfulness. Many people are chasing success in their lives, but if you chase to be faithful in your lives, God will make you successful. Hallelujah! If you're faithful in little, in your little finances, in the little job, in the little ministry, in the little responsibilities, whatever has been given to us, I would encourage you this morning, be faithful in your companies, be faithful in your schools and colleges, be faithful in your homes. Aim to be faithful. When you aim to be faithful, God will say, "I know your works," and I will open the door for you. How many of you want to see doors being opened in your life? This is the secret. Be faithful wherever God has placed you, whatever God has kept in your hands, thank Him for it. Be faithful in it. You'll be amazed how God is going to open door after door, how God is going to open ways after ways, how God is going to lift you up step after step. There is no end to what God can do in your life if you choose to be faithful. If you have to aim anything in life, I would recommend, I would suggest, aim to be faithful. Faithful to your parents, faithful to your brothers and sisters, faithful to the church, faithful to the fellowship. When you choose to be faithful, the most faithful

One will be drawn to you and says, "I know your works. I'll open the doors for you." This morning, I believe the Lord wants to tell us, "I have set before you an open door, church." I want you to recognize that there is an open door that God has kept for us individually and as a church.

There's certain things I want to talk about open doors. I know, I hope that you know, you'll get it. There are certain principles that I want us to understand. How do we walk into these open doors that God has kept before us? The first is, God sovereignly opens doors for His people. Who opens the door? God opens the door sovereignly. And many times we see these doors opening in our life in the most difficult circumstances, when you're going through severe challenges in life, pressured from every side, struggles of various kinds. At a time when you're not able to handle what you're going through, most of the times God opens doors during that situation when we look up to Him and when we trust Him. Imagine Moses leading these few lakhs of people towards the promised land. As they're leaving Egypt, after all the miracles they faced—the Red Sea—they thought that as soon as they get out, they will see the promised land. They being slaves, they never got a holiday to go and see the beach called Red Sea. They were slogging day and night, so they probably, they didn't even know that there's going to be a Red Sea. Can you imagine, living in Egypt, and perhaps they're not aware of the Red Sea, you know? So they come to the Red Sea and then they're stuck there. They're stuck in every direction. Who is coming behind them? The mighty Egyptian army. No way they could fight. There, in the horses and chariots and swords and spears and arrows and bows. No way. They don't have anything in their hand. They're empty-handed. They had no ability to fight against them. And in the front, there's Red Sea. And both the directions, there are wilderness and deserts. The other place would be a difficult route to travel through the way of Philistines. So they were stuck. Was it a good thing for the Egyptians to be behind them? Was it a good thing? No. I think it's a good thing if the Egyptians would not have chased them after seeing the Red Sea, they would all have said bye-bye.

Moses, sometimes the challenges, the problems, the circumstances, the adversities, the struggles, the pain, the shame, the failure can be a good thing because at that moment we'll be able to look up to God, cry out to God, pray, and in those times God opens doors for us, hallelujah. Second thing I want to notice is God's open doors are only seen with the eyes of faith. They're not natural doors to be seen through natural eyes. Natural eyes can only see obstacles, impossibilities, hurdles, blocks, but we need eyes of faith to see the open doors before us. We need to see with spiritual eyes. Open through the problem, you'll be able to see divine opportunities. The twelve spies that Moses sent to spy the land came back, they could go and possess the land. All the twelve people saw the same thing. The difference is, the ten people saw through natural eyes and the two people saw through spiritual eyes. Joshua and Caleb, the ten spies said there are giants in the land. The land is good, great, it is true to the point, whatever Moses has said about the land is true, the land of abundance, flowing with milk and honey, it's a prosperous land, everything God said, everything Moses said is true, as if they're confirming what God is saying, okay, it's always true, whatever God speaks, always true, but they said there are giants and we are like grasshoppers, we will not be able to possess the land. The other two people, Joshua and Caleb, they saw the same thing. What they speaking, lies, all the ten spies? No, they're speaking truth. Did they see giants? Yes. Were they like grasshoppers in their sight? Yes, they spoke truth. But we should see beyond reality, for that, we need spiritual eyes. Problems are real, challenges are real, hurdles are real, pressure is real, stress is real, sickness is real, relationship problems are real, all those are real, true. I'm not saying they are not real, deny it, ignore it, I'm not saying that, they are real, of course, it's real, we know what we are going through, it's a nature of life that we go through situations, but if you have eyes of faith, you know the God whom you worship as Paul is, I know whom I believe, if you know whom you believe, you can say like Joshua and Caleb, as we heard this morning that, come at once, God is able to give us victory, let's possess the land, hallelujah. You need to ask God to open your spiritual eyes. Don't ask God to change your problem, ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see the way God wants you to look at your circumstances. When you have sickness, when you see an open door, you have a testimony that God is your healer. When you have a problem, you look to God, God does it, you have a testimony that God is a God who delivers me from all my problems, amen. How can you have a testimony without going through tests and trials? Hallelujah, so let's look through the eyes of faith. I believe God has kept an open door. He said, I have set before you, Church at Philadelphia, Church at New Life Fellowship, Lanka, the Lord wants to say, I have set before you an open door, can you see it this morning? Through the eyes of faith, the door that is open before us. The third thing is, an open door requires a step of faith. If you want to walk into those open doors and experience all the great things that are beyond the open doors, you have to take a step of faith. You cannot stand at the door and marvel at the great door and hang onto the door, how wonderful this wood carving is, how wonderful this W is, you cannot just cling to the door, you have to take a step of faith, hallelujah. When God opens a door for you, do not wait, take a step of faith, whatever the Lord is calling you to, in whatever area, the Lord says, I've set an open door before you, take a step of faith and see what the Lord has in store for you on the other side, hallelujah. Point four, doors now open are quickly closing, this is dangerous, the doors that God opens will not be open forever, there is a set time, set season, set duration, during which the open doors are there for you, if you do not seize that opportunity and take a step of faith, the doors might get closed, it's something like this, a farmer plows the field, does all the hard work, sows the seeds, rain comes and the harvest time comes, imagine what would happen during the harvest time if the farmer would keep painting the bar in his house, paint the house, you know, see some flowers in his backyard and do all of those things, what will happen? Will the harvest be there like that all the time? There is a harvest time in which the harvest has to be reaped, otherwise you lose the harvest. So I want to encourage all of us this morning, the Lord has kept before us an open door, opportunities are open, possibilities are open, we need to take the momentum of this opportunity and step into the open door, whatever the Lord might be calling into, in your job area, is God taking you, asking you to take a step of faith, take it, in your business, God is asking you to take a step of faith, take it, in your ministry, is God asking you to take a step of faith, take it, this is the open door season for us as a church, hallelujah, pray, trust God, take a step of faith and move into all that God has for us, don't wait, don't keep waiting for the miracle to come to you, the blessing to come to you, the prosperity to come to you, promotion to come to you, the favor to come to you, nothing comes to those people who wait, you'll keep waiting and watching, probably you see all the other people around being blessed, isn't it irony, many times even unbelievers get blessed because they are not lazy, they're not complacent, they work hard, but sometimes we think just by trusting God, everything comes to us, that's why I always tell, somebody quoted, pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on you, praying and working should go together, waiting and working should go together, and then, that's when we will see the breakthroughs that God has opened for us. Fourthly, a church must go through an open door together, this open door is not just for individuals, it's for the church as a whole, just like a cricket team or a football team, soccer team, how they get into huddle and motivate, make a cheer, and they run to the field, you know, to win, I think, I believe that all of us should come together in unity, in the vision that God has given us, and whatever the ministry that God has given to you, and whatever the ability that God has given to you, whatever the responsibility that God has given to you, we need a church to come together and move in, to possess what the Lord

has given for us, amen, hallelujah, how many of you believe the Lord has called us to impact North Bangalore, we have got many promises and prophecies, it's not just for individuals, we, everybody has to position, everybody has to hold each other hands, stand with each other, pray, pray together, and see that we move in and take what God has for us, hallelujah, hallelujah, let's do it before it's over, then God promises certain things for them as they do it, he promises, you know, that the enemies will come and be before them, there was a synagogue of Satan in Philadelphia, the Lord said, I'm going to make them come and be before you, when God has opened doors for us, no power or enemy can stop us in entering it and possessing what God has for us, no satanic power, no problems, no challenges, no resistance, no power, nothing on earth can stop moving forward when God has opened the door for us, hallelujah, we don't have to live in fear, we don't have to live in doubt, we don't have to live in a feeling of inadequacy, go, whom to, whom does Jesus giving this promise, the Church of Philadelphia, you are little, God knows you are little, whatever little we are, God says, I kept the open door for you, walk into it, hallelujah, and then, something interesting that he says in verse 11, I am coming soon, do you know that we are more closer to the return of Jesus than we ever were, yes, we don't know how close we are, so what is Jesus saying to us, hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown, turn to your neighbor and say, hold fast to what you have, I really want to stress on this something the Lord has given us so many things to each one of us, did you know that it's one thing to receive and is another thing to preserve it, what does Bible say in John 10:10, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the thief is clever, he is alert, he's waiting for an opportunity, he's like a roaring lion going about looking to whom to devour, but we have to be careful, guard what has been given, we heard a very powerful word from paj G right to guarding your anointing, please listen to it again, all the sermons that are preached, please listen to it again, again and again, and until it sinks deep into your spirit, and you keep praying what you heard, the Lord has given us salvation, the Lord has given his anointing, so many wonderful things happened during this 21 days of fasting prayers, which I'm excited to hear from many of you, what you're going to share, you received anointing, you received visions, you received promises, you received the revelations, you received the miracle healing deliverance, now, what do the Lord wants to tell you, hold on to what you have, this is a prophetic word that I'm saying to each one of you, hold on to what you have, so that no one may come and seize the crown that Jesus has for you, hallelujah, I see many people, many believers, many pastors, once upon a time they're anointed, once upon a time they're gifted, once upon a time they're visionaries, once upon a time they had passion, once upon a time they're full of life, but over the time, since they did not guard it, since they did not hold on to it, today, they're just a shadow of what they were, what a tragedy it is, amen, so I would like to encourage all of you, it is not just 21 days, have you experienced something great and praise the Lord, hallelujah, but hold on to what God has given to you, so that no one may come and seize the crown that Jesus has given you, as a church, including myself, let's hold on, let's hold on to the vision, hold on to the word, hold on to the promises, hold on to the faith, hold on to God himself, and never let him go, until we see all the promises that God would accomplish in this church and each one of our life, amen, can we all get on a applause to Jesus, and finally, there is a reward that Jesus wants to give to all those who overcome, turn to your neighbor and say, be an overcomer, verse 12, the one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name, he who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, there was a practice in Philadelphia in the ancient times, when the emperor want to honor somebody for their exceptional service, could be a senator, a commander, a soldier, a doctor, a scientist, a good citizen who achieved great things, the scientists, they used to raise up a pillar, and on the pillar, they used to write their names and achievements, so that all the people and the coming generations would see it, so in the main street of Philadelphia, there are so many pillars erected, and all the names of those people who have done something great to the society, their names were written, so Jesus was saying the same thing to the church now, to all those who would conquer, to all those who overcome, to all those who be victorious, I want to make you a pillar, not just write your names on the pillar, but I want to make you as pillar, pillar talks about strength and stability, and there's something interesting Jesus said, he's going to write three names on you, I know whatever name you are having this morning, but Jesus wants to give you three names, first name, middle name, last name, there are three names that Jesus wants to give to each one of us, are you excited about it, if somebody here does not like the name that your parents have named you, there is hope, Jesus is going to give us new names, hallelujah, I always wonder why was, why my name contains Raja, I don't know, you know, so there are three names, so Jesus is saying, first, I'm going to write the name of my God, the father, so there is a name upon each one of you conquer, Jesus is going to write God's name on you, hallelujah, what is that name, in those days, the master would write his name on the slave, or the master would write his name and seal on the cattle, it talks about ownership, when we talk about, we go, the God's name is going to be written on us, that we become God's possession, God's ownership, then, God can say, you are mine, the first name that God wants to write upon all those who conquer, is, you are mine, you belong to me, hallelujah, what a blessing to be belonging to the God of heaven and the earth, we belong to God

, that's the first name, the second name, Jesus is saying, I'm going to write the name of the city that's going to come out of heaven, is saying, that I'm going to write the name of the city on you, so what does that talk about, it talks about citizenship to the new city, so just like we're citizens of this nation and we have fundamental rights, hopefully, okay, it will continue, okay, that we have rights to many things in this nation, we have been praying desperately, please pray, please pray, you know, that our fundamental, democratic, secular, constitutional rights will be sustained and preserved, please pray, please, I beg you, please pray, okay, so but when talks about, Jesus is talking about, I'm going to write the name of the city, that means we are going to be citizens of the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, we will have access to all the blessings, we'll have access to the rivers of life, we're going to drink living waters, not just Aquafina and Biser, and we're going to drink the living waters of heaven, we're going to get to eat from the tree of life, hallelujah, which Adam missed it, and missed it, but we can eat it as we go to heaven, we'll be open to all the privileges and all the blessings, all the abundance of heaven, that's the second thing Jesus wants to write, and the third thing, Jesus saying, I'm going to write my own name upon you, hallelujah, what does that mean, name signifies the character, we will have a full revelation of who Jesus is, as we seated now here, we have little, we know little about Jesus, few things about Jesus, and that's enough, some things about Jesus, that itself is so marvelous, but there will come a point of time, that where we behold our bridegroom Jesus face to face, and we know him as he is, we cannot contain that, but we'll be worshiping him all through the eternity, hallelujah, you understood what are the three names, God's name will be upon you, it talks about you belong to God, talks about the name of the city you're going to get, we're going to have citizenship in heaven, then third is Jesus, we'll get to know Jesus, this is the reward that God wants to give to each one of us, are you hearing what the spirit of the Lord has to say to us this morning, we might be little, but let's hold on to the word of God, there's so many churches today doing so many gimmicks, so many thing to attract people, all weird and crazy experiences, people are running from this church to that church to here and there, but I want this church to be built on the solid word of God, pure and holy word of God, no tradition, no custom, no practice, pure word of God, we are going to not be to the left or the right, we're going to stand on the word of God, we want everything that's written in the word of God and nothing but the word of God, hallelujah, so what is the Lord speaking toward us this morning, you are little, but you're faithful, therefore, I have set an open door before you, walk into it, also he says, hold on what you have, do not let the enemy steal what God has given you, look, everyone, to overcome and conquer, and day would come, each one of us will have this beautiful three names, we're going to be with God forever, amen, so shall we all rise in God's presence, just respond to this word, if you're looking yourself as little, yes, we are little, that's true, but the question is, let's aim to be faithful, let's aim to be faithful, and let's also be reminded that God is calling us to hold on, there's so many wonderful things that each one of you received from the Lord, in your journey with God, in your walk with God, in recent experiences, the word of the Lord is, hold on, because the enemy is after you, looking for an opportune time to steal what God has given you, do not give him room, do not give him any place, overcome all the temptations, all the challenges, all the pressures, you're called to be an overcomer, you are destined to be an overcomer through the power of God, through the grace of God, through the word of God, through the strength of God, we can overcome, we can triumph, we can be victorious, hallelujah, father, I thank you for this morning time, your word is so powerful, it's pure, it's holy, we believe what we heard this morning is not any man's words, but your heart revealed to us, as we thank you for all that you have given to us, Lord, these days, in this season, Lord, you're calling us to be cautious, to beware, to watch out, to be alert, to be awake, and hold on to all that you have given us, oh God, we pray, all those of us as a church, we will conquer, as a church, we'll walk into the open doors, as a church, we'll take the North Bangalore for Jesus, as a church of God, we will experience all that you prepared for us, Lord, unite us together in this vision and purpose, you be glorified, in Jesus' mighty name we pray.


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