Be a Church on a Mission

I would like to invite Pastor willy to come and share what the Lord has laid on his heart. Come on, give one more round of applause and welcome Pastor willy. Thank you, Pastor. It's been a privilege to be here. I just want to thank you for your hospitality. We've enjoyed our stay and our fellowship with you, and to see and meet many of you for the first time. Thank God for what God is doing. I believe these are amazing days we are living in, very crucial days. The Bible says that the fuse of the entire world is Israel. When we look at Israel, we see that we're sitting on a keg of dynamite, and the fuse is being lit already. Amen. We don't know what's going to happen. Every nation around her is ready to finish her, and one of the greatest signs is anti-Semitism. It's the signs of the last days. Even her best friend, America, has abandoned her. So, we know that we live in the final days before the coming of our Messiah. Amen. He will soon come.

You know, the Feast of Trumpets, if you celebrate it, okay, in the synagogue, we celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. The trumpets are actually blown in the synagogue 99 times for the whole service. I believe the 100th time will be when Jesus comes. Amen. That trumpet is different. The Greek does not have a word for shofar, so they say trumpet. In the King James, it says trumpet. So, we think of it as a horn of an animal. I remember bringing one shofar from Israel in Jerusalem. They never said anything. It was with me, it was a huge one. But when I landed in Bombay, they said, "What is this? Is this a weapon?" I was going to say yes, but I thought it's better to say no. I said, "This is a wind instrument." He said, "But there are no buttons on it." I said, "You don't need buttons. All you need is your mouth." And so, they asked me to blow it. So, I blew it in the airport. Amen. And people turned around and looked at us, and it was a great joy for me to blow it. Amen.

I just thank God for moms today. Amen, all our moms and our mothers. You and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for our mothers. Amen. Their sacrifices, their love, the way they work, the way they toil. We really appreciate it. Husbands, appreciate your wives. Amen. And I think it's very important on this day to take them out. Amen. Don't make them cook at home. Take them out, give them a big bunch of flowers. Amen. Be appreciative to them. We once were having a marriage seminar and I gave all the husbands roses, each one a rose, and I said to them, "Go to your wife, sit down, and tell them, 'I love you and I really appreciate you.'" One man came to me and said, "I can't say that. I don't come from that background." I said, "It's not about background, it's about ground." Amen. And it's very important to know that the foundation of our lives. He says, "I have never said in my life to my wife, 'I love you.'" I said, "That's crazy, isn't it?" He said, "Doesn't God on every page of the Bible tell us He loves us?" I said, "Open your Bible and see, every page tells that. So why don't we say that to our wives?" He kept quiet. After a little while, then he took that rose and then he went to his wife, and I saw him talk to his wife. I think she melted in front of him because she'd never heard him say that. Amen. Come on, husbands. Amen. Give yourself a clap. Amen. Wives, don't clap. Amen.

I love this from Proverbs. It says, "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." That's a mom. Amen. She looks well to the ways of her household and eats not the bread of idleness. Moms are never sitting around doing nothing, true moms. I'm saying, "Her children arise up and call her blessed. Children, go to your mom today and bless her. Amen. Make her a nice card." Her husband also. Husbands, "He praiseth her. Amen." "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Amen." May God bless our families. We need to see Christian families today. We don't see that many families are broken. Many come from broken families. I came from a background of drugs and the whole hippie movement that was there, and many of the friends that I had came from broken families. They got married and they have children, and their children are gone haywire because they didn't know how to father, they didn't know how to mother them. Beloved, it's so important to raise up a family that loves the Lord. Amen. And I believe that this generation, you young people, listen to me. It's very important to walk in the ways of God. You are privileged. I never went to church. I have never in my life attended Sunday school. But when I got saved, I got saved. Amen. And you are privileged to attend Sunday school. You are privileged to have a teacher teach you the word of God. I never had that. Amen. But I just want you to understand that we are living now in a privileged time. And if you're going to Sunday school, if your mom and dad are saved, they read the Bible to you and they pray with you, you young people, you are so privileged. Amen. And I think this is the time.

So, as I was praying last night, there was a lot of battle in my spirit, and I was battling on what should I share with you and how should I minister to you today because I take seriously what I do. And one of the things the Lord told me about you, now, I don't know most of you. I know just a few of you. But he says, "I want to turn them into a prophetic people." It's a company. So, that day in Yalahanka, where this place and, you know, some of my dreams that I've had in the last one or two nights, you know, is showing me that there is a female goddess here that rules this place. She's very demonic, very revengeful, vengeful, very hateful. And underneath her is a whole plethora of demons that she controls. And today, being Mother's Day, I pray that the Lord would really give some of your moms the anointing to break this demonic power. Amen, as you fast and pray. Hallelujah. And you become a prophetic people, that means you're a company, you're a company of people that are able to prophesy. You become a prophetic people. That means you're a company. You're a company of people that are able to prophesy. And as you prophesy, you burst through the ceiling and you burst through the clouds in the sky, and you break every stronghold in the name of Jesus. Amen. Hallelujah. I remember when we first went to the city of Nagpur and we came to a place, and you know, that's the first time we went to visit somebody there. As we were standing outside waiting for us to get inside to these people's home, because those homes have iron gates, and we were standing near the gate, and somebody said, "You're a pastor." He said, "Yeah." He said, "Enter the Dragon. Enter the Dragon." I said, "The dragon will be dead by the time you finish." Amen. And that was true. Hallelujah. There's nothing too hard for God. I want to tell you this, that when you pray, you will see a breakthrough. We are not just speaking words that are coming and dropping into our mouths. We're speaking words that have power. Your words have power. Your words have ability. Your words bring into motion the things of God because you're made in His image. And when God said, "Let there be light," light didn't say, "I think we'll do it tomorrow." No, there was light. What God says happens. The ministry of Jesus, when He spoke, He spoke with such authority. Everybody said, "Never a man spake as this man," because He carried the authority of God. And you carry the authority of God when you're filled with the Spirit, and when you speak with tongues, and when you read the word of God, and you confess in prayer. Amen. John chapter 15, verse 7: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you." Amen. It's so powerful. It's so strong. Amen. Joshua chapter 1, verse 8: "He says, 'This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but thou shalt meditate upon it day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then shall thy way be made prosperous, and then shalt thou have good success.' Prosperity and success don't come just because you got your degrees and you got good opportunities or you got a good family. But they come because you are founded, grounded in the word of God. These were ordinary fishermen in the book of Acts, but they took note that these men had been with Jesus. The world will take note. Demons will take note of you. Amen. I remember we were having a prayer meeting in our home, and they brought a young man, and I was thinking, "Why did they bring him to a prayer meeting? We're having church prayer. We pray, you know, important." But they brought this guy. He was demon-possessed, and every now and then, he would shake and disturb the meeting. So, I told them, "Put him aside there. We have a brand-new carpet." And so, when we finished praying, it must have been about 5:00 in the morning. Amen. I said, "Now, let's deal with the CH." So, they brought him in the middle of the carpet, and I told that demon, I said, "Get out of this man." He kept looking in my eyes. I said, "Don't look at me. Inside me is Jesus. You're looking at Jesus." And then he motioned in sign language, "Get me a pencil and paper." So, I said, "First time I'm meeting an educated demon." So, we gave him a pencil and paper, and on the paper, he writes, "Tomorrow, 3:00." I said, "You're not going tomorrow, 3:00." Amen. And neither are we going to wait. I'm not going to sit here tomorrow till 3:00, wait for you to come. Come out now, in the name of Jesus. And we commanded it to come out. He nearly vomited. Thank God for the speed of my wife when she ran and got a bucket. Amen. Save the carpet, save the house, save the atmosphere. You see, demons can't stand before you. Hallelujah. Because you have the word of God in you. And so, I'm going to say this to you, that God is releasing to you. "Pastor, where's your wife?" Oh, sorry. God is releasing to you that you would become leaders of a prophetic people. Amen. So, that this five-fold ministry that's going to come out of you, the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor, and the teacher, all these ministries that come out of you, would become prophetic people so that when they go out, kingdoms of darkness will be submitted. Amen. And I want to say this, often in the Old Testament, God changed the dispensation from judges to the prophetic. And when Samuel came on the scene, he brought the profoundness of God's word. He brought such profoundness that the men and the women that came under him became prophetic and had birthed people like Elijah and Elisha and all these great men of God. Amen. Right down to the last book of the Old Testament, we see these prophets come. Amen. And even though the kingdom was divided, there was a northern kingdom, southern kingdom. God sent to both the kingdoms different prophets, and they prophesied. They had their own idiosyncrasies, but they prophesied. Amen. See, God uses who we are as we are, but he gives us the ability to change things around us. You know, I believe now the time has come for us to change things around us. You believe that? Amen. We had a wonderful neighbor, and we lived on the ground floor. She lived on the first floor, and whenever we came to the door, she threw a bucket of water on us. But her husband used to come and apologize and say, "There's something wrong with my wife. I don't know what." I said, "Take her to a doctor." Amen. And one day, I was dressed in a wedding suit. We were doing a wedding, and I was locking the door, and that's the only suit I had when she poured water. Amen. Every fruit of the spirit, hallelujah, I had to exercise. And so, I went to a wedding in a wet suit. But let me say some things to you. God will change circumstances around you, even though you feel they are difficult. He will change your situation in your job. He will change your boss in of behaving like a demon on Monday morning. You'll be a little angel. Amen. I remember one lady came to us and said, "Pastor, please pray for my husband." I said, "What happened, sister?" She said, "I'm married to Hitler, man. That's how he behaves in the house with the children. Even the dog understands he's Hitler. When he comes to church, he's changed. He has all the best language. Praise the Lord. Amen. Glory to God." When he's home, he's Hitler. But I believe God is changing things. You believe that? The time has come now. The church that is not that weakling, you know, that is at the mercy of others, that we can't give you this place, and we'll give you this place, and you know, this is what you have to pay, and that you know, we just walk in and say, "I want this place." I said, "Okay, sir, take it. You give how much you can give." Amen. I believe that those days are coming. Pastor, those days are coming. Amen. God wants you to do something. The calling of the people of God is to speak for God. Amen. You're speaking for God. That means you're bringing words from heaven, and you're transferring those words to earth, and those words have power to change things on earth. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. It has power to destroy sickness and disease. It has power to do things that are impossible in the normal sense. It has the power to change in some people their blood chemistry. Do you know what I'm talking about? Give them strength to their bones and in the marrow of the bones, give them life. Amen. I believe some of you will walk into a cancer hospital and just pray for cancer people, and they will spring out of their beds. The day is coming when you're walking on the street and there's somebody sick, that your shadow will be able to heal. That's what God is going to do. Amen. And some people will bring the coffin first to the church Sunday morning and lay the coffin in front rather than taking it to the cemetery. Amen. And when you pray, the man will get up, all dressed for church. Amen. I want to say something to you. You've got to believe those days. You've got to see those days. You've got to imagine that when you pray, God will take those things which were not and make them as though they were. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. This is what God wants to do. This is the business of heaven. This is the transferring of heaven to earth. Amen. And may God raise up many ministries. May God raise up some of the best children's ministries from this church so that when you teach children, they would be attracted to you, and their lives would be open to you. May God raise up good youth ministries, amen, so that you will be able to touch the lives of people, and you would change the walk to a walk. You understand what I'm saying? 'Cause you're the only one smiling. Yeah, because there's all kinds of rot that is coming into our college students, all kinds of rot that the school children are coming home and talking about. And I believe a spiritual church can be a sign for the city. Yelahanka will never be the same again. You are called to give guidance. You're called to give direction. You're called to be protection. You're called to stand in the gap and pray, amen, and change things. The gifts that God has given you is for building the church. Jesus said, in the Greek, it's very beautiful. He says, "I, by myself, will build my own church." Praise God. We are not building the church. We are only stewards. But Jesus is the builder of the church. He's the one who gives the church caliber and character and power, amen, and uniqueness. Many years ago, you know, I've fallen in love with this nation of Wales. Wales has seen, I think, over 300 revivals in the last 52 years.

I know 52 revivals in the last 300 years, sorry, 52 revivals. The last one was 1907, 1904, and, uh, with Evan Roberts. And I went to the church, it was a small schoolroom. I went to this church, and in that church, Evan Roberts, one other brother, and two other ladies, these were the youth at that time, they just stood there and they prayed, and in Welsh, they prayed a prayer and they repeated it. It is, you know, just in Welsh. I don't know much Welsh, but I can speak some, and it says, "Lord, bend me, Lord, bend me." And they fell on the floor, and he said, "Lord, blend me, uh, bend me." And when they said that, the next day, Revival hit Wales. Thousands came to Christ. They changed Sunday's football programs because people could go to church. They changed railway timings. The nation understood. And from Wales came the biggest, some of the biggest missionary movements. Up in Scotland, three old ladies were praying in a bell tower. And as they were praying in a bell tower, God baptized them in the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues, and the pastor came up, this Scottish man, said, "What's happening?" And the, you know, that Revival shook the world. Just three old ladies. You don't need many people. Sent missionaries, especially to North India, Conning, and off the prayer meeting that lasted 100 years. These people prayed. They sent a team to India, and they came to Travenkor, and they started a Travenkor Mission. Amen. And as they, you know, they started to worship there, they saw the things of God. They went to Mangalore, and in Mangalore, they saw that the mud of Mangalore was so good, it was very, you know, they could make tiles. So they imported the design of tiles from Switzerland right into Mangalore and called it Mangalore Tiles. I'm sure you've heard of that. And then started the great movement, which was called, you know, the Mission Compound Movements. They brought hundreds of acres, and everything was in the Mission Compound. My grandfather came from the Udupi Mission Compound. Amen. But yet today, when we see that it's all gone, the well revival, you can travel to Wales now. What pubs became churches, now churches have become pubs, cattle stalls, mosques. What's happened to us? But here in India, I believe we're going to see such a rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling revival that we have never seen before. You believe that? Amen. And I'm prophesying this wherever I go. We are now going to enter into one of the biggest revivals the world has ever seen, where 1.5 billion people would be touched by a revival, and you can't stop it because this is what God has ordained. God has called you. When Elisha, you know, was called, he was plowing a field, and he had different, oh, and I mean, he was a businessman. His dad was a businessman, and he was plowing that field. He was there with 12 yolk of oxen. The Bible says only rich people had that much oxen or massive animals. And as he was doing this in the hot sun, remember, desert, there's another man that comes next to him and throws a mantle on him and walks away. That's a sign from God. God chooses you. He throws a mantle on you. Amen. You may not understand everything about the mantle today as you sit here. You may not know what God is putting on you because every mantle has its own design. If you study mantle in the Bible, you study that God has a unique way of putting mantle on people. Different people, different anointings, different directions, different words, different ministries and callings. But God has called you together as a people, as a worshipping, living, anointed people, demon-casting out people. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. That's why God has called you. I want you to be encouraged. Elijah was not a small little guy. He was handling 12 yoke of oxen. Come on, man, a strong fellow. He runs back to Elijah, holds his hand, he says, "What have you done to me? What have you done to me?" Elijah turns around to him and says, "What are you asking me? You asked God. God showed you to me. God showed that you carry a mantle. Don't ask anybody else. You carry something that is given from heaven and given by God, and it's a collective mantle. This collective mantle will work only collectively, amen, because of unity. What finished off as a double portion to shake the whole nation of Israel, to both the northern and southern kingdom, started in a little field with 12 yoke of oxen. Do not despise the days of small things, amen, because this is where God wants you. Now, I just want to give you a few signs. These are signs of your calling, which is very, very important. The first thing you need to know is that you are called, amen. What does the Bible say? "Many are called, and few are chosen." But it looks like many are called, and few are chosen. I'm very scared when people come to church, because some come to church, some come to search, and I usually ask people, "Why have you come here? It's good to ask them. Why are you here?" Some people say, "Pastor, there's good girls here. I'm looking for a wife." So I asked people, "What's the reason for the first time they come?" We welcome them, of course, we bless them, pray for them. Second time they come, we smile at them, shake their hands. Third time they come, we have a question. "Why are you here? Where have you come from?" Amen, and it's important to ask. And I believe some of you will be so gifted that you will be able to look right through into people and know their heart's desires and know what's making them tick. Amen, you want that? How many want that? How many want that kind of ministry where you know when I look at people, I could dream dreams, and as the Lord developed my own ministry, I would dream. One of the greatest things that God has done is He made me a seer. He's made me. Before He gave me this prophetic gift, He made me a seer. I could see things in the spirit. I would see people in the spirit, and I would know the color of their clothes, and when I met them, I knew what God was saying to them, amen. And I was afraid because when I got up in the morning and I, you know, there were certain things that God would say to me, and I would tell my wife,

"I'm going to see all these things," and she said, "Okay, we'll see." And then when it happened, he said, "You saw it?" "No, praise God." "You saw it?" "Yes, I did, honey." You see, people will begin to recognize you by the gift and the calling you have, amen. They will know from God that you are genuine because of who you are and your fruits are very important. There's a lot of difference, uh, pastor, there's a lot of difference between a Christmas tree and an apple tree. A Christmas tree, you tie the gift on the tree. The gift is free. The Christmas tree did not earn the gift at all. It has nothing to do with the gift, but yet it hangs there with all those lights and, you know, here in India, we like it so much, we put cotton in front because of snow, amen. We talk about snow only. Only the Christmas tree has, uh, lights and, uh, all kinds of stuff is hanging, and this guy called Sandy Claus, I mean Santa Claus, amen. What a lie! How we lie to our children! The gift left! Oh, Santa Claus came and gave you the gift. That's a demon, man, amen. It's a made-up story. You want to make your child happy? Go buy him a gift in front of him and say, "Dad buys you something." Hallelujah. I remember my son, you know, he was in the school football team. I said, "Okay, I'll encourage you. What do you want, my son?" He said, "I want a dad. All these guys got good pair of boots. It's nice." And his feet are big, bigger than mine. And so I took him to this shop that was making boots, and I said, "Show me some football boots." And then he, you know, he took out some boots, and my son looked at it and says, "That this is good. This is good." I said, "No, no, no. One minute. What's the best you have?" He said, "The best is expensive." I said, "I didn't ask you whether it's expensive. I said, 'What's the best you have?'" And so he climbed up and he pulled the best out. It was probably three times, four times the price of ordinary ones. And my son is saying, "That this will do. That this will do." And I said, "I want to teach you something. I bless you according to my riches, not yours." Amen. So when God blesses us, He blesses us according to His riches and glory, not yours. Amen. And so I want to tell you this, that people, you know, when you know that you're called, people will recognize you not as a Christmas tree, but like an apple tree. The apple tree has earned the apple. It's there because of the roots. And when you go next to the tree, you don't hear those sounds, you know why? Because it silently does what it's natural to do. Amen. I like Psalm 1. I just love Psalm 1. It's the opening Psalm of Israel. They sang the Psalms were the singing there was a songbook of Israel, and was the... What does that Psalm say? "And you shall be like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season." Amen. "And his leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth, he shall prosper." You shall be like what? Like a tree that brings forth its fruit in its season. And I was sitting there in Jerusalem, I was sitting at a table with a rabbi having coffee on the street, and he said to me, "Will I want to show you something?" He said, "I'll show you that this tree is a supernatural tree. What is the fruit you want? Tomorrow morning, you want a mango, you go to the tree, you get mango. The same tree, after 10 minutes, your wife will go, and she want an apple, she'll get an apple. Because the tree has an anointing in it, and it'll give you the fruits that you require. It's a supernatural tree that is planted. It's foundational by the rivers. Remember, this is a desert season. The rivers are deep down, and we have here trees. I don't know if you've seen some of those eucalyptus trees. Have you seen those eucalyptus trees? You know, they usually don't plant them because they suck up all the water. But the root system is three times, maybe four times the height of that tree. And this supernatural tree has roots that have gone in and found the rivers of running water. I was just reading Bangalore has a water problem, amen. And yesterday's newspaper said, you know, they're going to believe God for, I mean, not God or whatever they, 10,000 wells. Is it 10,000? 100,000? I'm not very sure. Somebody help me with that. 10,000 wells. So some of the old wells have dried up, you know what it is? It's a sign to the city that the things of the spirit are drying up. It's a sign to this city. And it's time to redig those wells as Isaac redug the wells.

Abraham and he came to this well, he called it Ezzar. "Hither to the Lord has blessed us. We have found a place of blessing. May you dig down and find the wells of God. May there be enough water in your house, amen, so your neighbors will come." We had one guy who got saved in Gujarat, and when he got saved, the village came to him and said, "You have become a Christian. Please don't take water from our well; you'll spoil the well. You've got ground there; you can do whatever you want to do. Please don't come to this town, to this little village, because you will desecrate the well because you're a Christian." He said, "Okay." So he got a few friends together, they dug a well in his ground, built a hut there, and he started to live there. Next to that was his well, good water. He watered his fields, his animals, everything, and he was doing well. When you have your own well, you'll do well. Then, after a hundred years, the following year, the village well dried up. And very sheepishly, the elders came to him and said, "Brother, can we drink from your well?" He said, "Of course you can. You won't desecrate it. Don't worry. But I have only one thing: whenever anybody comes to the well, I will stand and preach." Now, he doesn't know how to read and write; he carries the Bible under his arm. He said, "I will preach the gospel." So people came to the well, let the animals drink, took water for their fields, amen, but they would hear the gospel every day. And so, they got fed up with him, and they said, "Some of the village elders said, 'I think we need to deal with this child.'" So, because he was praying for people, people were getting healed and everything. Okay, they said, "We will take, in the early hours of the morning, we will take a dead man on a cot and keep it near his house, and tell him to pray. And after he has prayed, we will uncover the man and say, 'You prayed, the man was alive, now he's dead.' That was their plan." And so, at 4:00 in the morning, before light was there, they came, they tapped his door, and said, "See, this man has been sick. Could you please pray for him?" They had that cot, you know, they carry the cot, they put him down. He said, "Okay, let me preach first." So, he took his Bible, put it under his arm, he opens it, also, but he doesn't know from where. But he reads, he knows scripture by heart. And he prayed, he preached the gospel to these four or five fellows who came. And he prayed, and as he prayed, the man on the bed sat up. These guys who were with him turned around and ran. Now, he was wondering why they ran. So, they told that man, he said, "I'm thirsty, man." So, don't worry. My wife woke up, his wife gave him a cup of tea, they were sitting and talking. When some of the other elders came and said, "You know, this man was dead, but he's alive now." This one man, I know him personally, in this one village, he has a church of 4,000, amen. I want to say that similar things will start to happen to you. How many believe that? I'm not just telling stories. I'm telling things that have happened. And I'll tell you story after story because I believe these are the people I know. They are real people. They are ordinary people. They don't know hermeneutics and exegesis and church history and all that. They don't know all this. All they know is Jesus is alive. He hears prayer, and he does things. And that's where you need to come in, amen, amen. So, I want to share with you four natural characteristics that you need to have within you that this will be natural to you. You want to hear it? Here's the first one: you will become genuine people of faith. How many believe that? That means your faith is real. It's not just a boasting kind of faith; it's real. It does things. In Hebrews chapter 11, 8, 9, and 10, could you put that up, please? Hebrews 11, 8, 9, and 10. Sorry, I walk around, amen. I'm called Mr. Walker. Hebrews 11, 8: "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise. For he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God." By faith, everything he did was by faith. Everything you do will be by faith. Your new place will be by faith, amen. Your instruments will be by faith, your singers, your musicians, your evangelists, your pastors, your teachers will come by faith. Little children, generations of leaders will come by faith. Right now, in our church, we are now training the third generation leaders. By faith, Abraham was looking for something, actually, by faith, for someone. He was looking for someone. He understood that he's amazing, man. When I get to heaven, I'm going to sit down and spend some time with him. Amazing guy. Remember, just before the covenant, God told him, "Go, number the stars." Remember that? What did he do? What did he do? He believed. What do you mean, "Number the stars"? Have you seen the Milky Way? Not the Amul factory, but have you seen the Milky Way? The billions of stars? God was not foolish enough to tell Abraham, "Count the stars." Abraham counted the stars and, ah, here's the belt of Orion. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, amen? No, no, no. He didn't count like that. For my wife's 60th birthday, I didn't know what gift to give her, so I wrote to NASA and I bought a star. It's there in the heavens. It's the center star on the belt of Orion. Have you seen the belt of Orion? No, Orion is the warrior. He has a shield, a sword, a belt, amen? I'm interested in stars. I've been studying them for the last 25 years. Alicea, I've been studying the stars. Have you looked at them? You can't see them in Bangalore, but when Abraham went out, they knew. They traversed the desert by stars. He looked there, and he looked high, and he saw the story of the Messiah. And in the story of the Messiah, Psalm 19:1, what does it say? Come on, what

Psalm 19:1? Somebody help me. Okay, yes, 19:1. "The heavens declare the glory of God." Jesus is the glory of God. So, every star in the heavens talks about Jesus. Did you know that? Did you know that? It's so wonderful. And Abraham saw the coming of the Son in Virgo. He saw the dying of the Son. He saw the resurrection of the Son in Doye. He saw those things, and he says, "Wow, I saw the Messiah." And it was credited to him as righteousness. That's why when God told him, "Go and sacrifice your son, Isaac," he had no problem. Okay, because I know my son is promised, and he'll raise up from the dead. That's why he said, "You stand here. I told the servant, 'You stand here. We will go and worship, and we will return.' He knew that there would be a resurrection, but he knew that Isaac was not the Messiah. The Messiah was still to come, hallelujah. How many Magi came to see Jesus? How many? Come on, somebody tell me. Three. How do you? And now there's a song that no, know their names also. I don't know from where they got all that. No, hundreds came. And in my researches, I found out there was a king from Central India who joined the Magi to go and worship Jesus and give him all his treasures, but never ever came back. They came to worship. The Magi were called kingmakers, amen. See, read your Bible. It's very important to read your Bible. And so, we have Christmas cards where we have the three kings, one fellow on a camel, the other guys on a horse, and they're coming from there, and you see the star. How can we train our children like this? Open the Bible and train your children, amen. Number one, you will be people of genuine faith. Abraham was looking for a city whose builder, whose foundation was God. You are searching for the things of God, and when you find the Messiah, he becomes your life and light, amen. When I just got saved, I would take my guitar and stand under the Gateway of India, a beautiful place of residence, and I would sing every Saturday night. I would sing for hours. I would sing songs and gather people, sometimes hundreds of people. The police would come and say, "Listen to my song. I don't want your money. I'm not collecting money." And people would come and give money. Sometimes I would say thank you and drink coffee afterwards. But listen, we led hundreds to Christ. And if a Saturday I missed, we did it for two years. If a Saturday I missed, they would the next Saturday say, "Where were you? We were waiting for you." Amen. Nobody told us to do that, but we did that. And as you are burdened to go and do the things of God, you will lead people who will become leaders in this generation. You don't know what you're going to do. Am I saying something? Because you will become a people of genuine faith. Number two, pastors, you will become pioneers in taking new territory. Amen. There is nothing too hard for God. Prophetic people are the people who go first and open the way for others. God's calling you to start opening the way. Amen. They are prophetic. The singers that Jehoshaphat had were prophetic singers. It's very scary because the arrows would first come on you. You know, have you seen those arrows? I went to the Egyptian Museum, and I spent three days in Cairo just with the museum, and I still was not satisfied. And I told my wife, "We should spend another week here." She said, "You're crazy." And I looked at some of those arrows, man. Those arrows are big and heavy, and there's a way of shooting them. You shoot them high, and they go high, amen. And when they reach the top, they bend down and they come down because of the weight. They come down like the speed of a bullet. And when it hits you, it goes through you. It takes away gristle and bone and muscle and tissue, amen. Then you what they were doing. And when you have the singers right in front, singing, amen. Worship team, you're the first to get it. So, if you want to join the worship team, praise God. You know, this evening, I'm going to preach on destiny. I'm going to show you from the Old Testament and the New Testament what is destiny and how God can take you and make you a person of destiny, amen. Don't miss this evening. I'm not advertising, but I'm saying this. You see, you will have pastor, raise up intercessors who can feel, who can see, who can touch, who can sense. Remember Moses? He says, "Moses, unlike Moses, amen." I don't speak to anybody like that, but when I speak to Moses, I speak to him. How come face to face? What is face to face, my girl? I know you as a little girl. What is face to face, or dad and mom? I know. I always get overjoyed when I see her. She was a little girl, now she's a mom, amen. God has a sense of humor. He really is. You married a guy called Esau. But God speaks to you face to face. Come, my girl, stand up. I want to show you something. Stand up. Look at me. Look at me. God speaks to you face to face. Okay? Can you see this? Can you see this? That's how God speaks to you. Thank you. Because I'll say something to you. All your five senses are in your face. God designed you that way because that's God's face. So, there is no hindrance from what he sees, what you see. His nostrils are close to yours because he breathes the same fire you're breathing. His lips are close to you because you feel and sense the things of God because he's close to you. Your tongue is just about less than a span away from your brain because you can taste the things of God. Your ears are not far from his voice because you can hear what he's saying. And the key, beloved, is this: when he talks to you face to face, there is no interference. Amen, brother. I came from a background of tantric Hinduism, and you see the seven chakras. You heard of the chakra. That's where you get the word chakra. The seventh chakra, you call it what? Third eye. You don't have a third eye. That's a lie. But it touches a small little gland in your brain. It's very tiny. It looks like a pineapple. It's called the pineal gland. It's the master gland of the body. And when you're talking to God face to face, it affects your master gland. That master gland receives health, strength, anointing, power, encouragement, amen, hallelujah. The Egyptians understood it. The Vatican understands it. Go to the Vatican. See how many pines are there. But I want to say something to you. You are able to take new territory because God will speak to you so powerfully that you will see things before you grab them, amen, hallelujah. You are called. You will be called a company of forerunners, the ones who are able to go and destroy the towers, the walls, no matter how big they are. Jericho started building their walls when Israel was just leaving Egypt. They had forty years to build those walls. Ten chariots could walk on those walls. The prostitute Rahab stayed inside the wall. And all God did was do nothing but shout and praise. Have you seen walls come down? You know, God does unique things, and He will use you for unique things. It's not logic. It's the Word of God. Amen.

Number three: you will become Messengers with a clear word of God. There's no deviousness in you; you will have a clear word of God. Thus says the Lord into my spirit, "I know what God has told me. Hallelujah, and I can walk in it."

"When we got married, the Lord said to me, 'I will give you a house; you build my house, I will build yours.' I said, 'Praise God, I'm going to do that.' For 20 years, we went from house to house, 14 times we shifted. We were called the professional shifters. It's not a joke. When we got married, I just had one suitcase, a tape recorder, and a guitar. My wife had one trunk, one mattress. After four children, we had to fill a lorry. Amen, it grows and grows. I think every one of us has items in our house that we should have thrown away years ago, but we still keep them. Indians are the only people that when they buy a new car, they won't take out that plastic from the seats. Indians are the only people that when the shampoo gets over, they'll put water in it. I can't get over those things. Hand washing soap gets over, put water, you could still use. Why are we like that? But when you have faith, you know, 'My God shall supply my need according to His riches.' Who's richer, God or you? God is richer, amen. God said to me, 'You know, wait, I'll buy you a house.' And let me tell you this, brother. You know who gave me this house? God told me He'd give it to me from the wealth of the Heathen. You know who bought my house for me? You'll never believe. He lived in 8300. His name is Tipu Sultan. You heard of Tipu? Tipu bought my house. Very different. Can you believe that? Can you believe that? You've been to my house how many times? Huh? A lot of times. It's a good house. Jeremy and his family are living with me in my house now till they get to Varanasi. But I never paid for anything because he bought it lock, stock, and barrel. In the city of Bombay, that house cost 4 crores. I never paid anything. Amen, it's a mystery, and I'll let it be a mystery because I want you to know that God works in mysterious ways. I can't afford that even as I had. I worked as an engineer all my life. I wouldn't have got that return, amen. But God gave me the best of the biggest house in our society. People think we are the richest because sometimes all my children have cars. And when all of them come, they think, 'This guy's got solid money,' and I walk like that also. Amen. Sometimes there's nothing here, but listen to me. That's too much of a mystery for you. But let me tell you the story. Shall I spend a minute? Yes."

"We met a man who came and asked us, 'Can I come to your church and apologize? Because I come from a noble background in the heart of England, and I want to apologize because my great-great-great-great-grandfather was Sir Robert Clive of India, and I am rich today because I own castles and I am a member of different groups in England and Wales. And I want to stand up and apologize that I'm rich because my ancestors walked on the Indians.' So I said, 'Okay, speak.' So he spoke, he broke down, he cried, we prayed for him, we took him to McDonald's, left him at the airport. Finished. After about three months, he wrote me a letter. He said, 'Pastor, would you come and do a prayer conference for me on my castle grounds?' His name is John Pows. PS, it's the biggest and the best castle in England. So I went there to the castle grounds. It's one of the most beautiful gardens, peacocks, deer, pheasants, he's the owner of it all. And that night, I had a dream, and it shook the nation of Wales. I'm telling you very humbly. And we started to travel around Wales. He took me and Bev to his castle. On the first floor of his castle, he calls it the India House. In that India House is Tipu Sultan's throne, shields, armor, tables, everything. It's all his. The other side is Mary Queen of Scots. He's a professor of history, he's a PhD. He became my friend, and one day, he said, 'I want to bless you. Can I buy you a house?' That is strange, coming from somebody else. Can I buy you a house? After a lot of reluctance, maybe a year or nearly two years of reluctance, I said, 'Yes.' And so he sold Tipu Sultan's tea tent, four poles, one piece of cloth for £99,000, and part of it he sent me, and we got the house. Now you got it. That's his money. And I want to tell you something. When God says something to you, my girl, it may take time, but it will come to pass. And I'm telling each one of you, I'm looking in your eyes, and I'm telling you, when God says something to you, sister, stand up. I don't know your name. What's your name? H prola. When God says something to you, and He's given you a promise in your hand, which He has, and if you don't see it happen, it will happen. For God's time is different. Because we live by chronology, He lives by creation. Amen. So I want to challenge you today, my brother. Amen. Each one of you has a promise. That was number three. Number four is this: you become members of a servant community. You're a servant. You are not the top guy who has a gilded chair with red leather seats. No, no, no, no, no, no. You will always be a servant. And the more servant you are, the more Jesus can use you. Jesus took the towel, basin, and water. And I wish I could tell you the prophetic meaning of those things. And He washed His disciples' feet. That's the job of a slave. He was not counting it big stuff because He was the Son of God. He became a slave. And unless you can become a slave, unless you can become nothing, then God can use you to do something. Amen. These four things are very important for you because that's the community you will become. Let me close. Let me close because you will be known by your fruit, not by your works. Amen. And you need to become like Samuel. Samuel lived around the Ark of the Covenant, lived around the presence of God, lived around the Word of God. Let the Word of God become rich to you. I mean, I've got notes here that will shake you, but I won't touch

all that. I want to say something to you: live around the presence of God. Samuel lived around the Ark. That's where he could hear God. God shuel, shuel. It's time we started to hear God call our name. Moses, Moses. Amen. To John, He said, "Come up here." And John said, "At once, I was in the Spirit." Some church services take 16 songs to get into the Spirit. I went to one service, and this choir had a drum kit, congas, big congas, tabla, everything. One keyboard, one guitar. And the worship leader didn't sing on the black or the white keys; he sung on the middle. And they closed all the windows because they didn't want the sound to go out. And I'm standing there with a tie. It was summertime in... they put the fans off because the fans were too loud. And they're standing there, one song after another song, after another song. All out of tune. And everybody... I told Bev, "I'm going to faint. Something's happening inside of me." Not... and drums, just drums, and drums, and drums. It was like a... you know, it was like some kind of festival. It was too painful for me. And then I went very nicely to the pastor, and I put my arm on him, and said, "Please stop, please stop. Because if you don't stop, somebody's going to die in this place." He said, "Finished. Last." He tells that guy, "Last song. Okay, last." And you know these Hindi songs are about 15 minutes each. I don't know what Canada song I have no idea. But I was introduced to worship from my grandfather. He was a Kamminglaan. He used to play the accordion. And so in the night, he would have his glass of whiskey. He would have the Canada hymn book, and he would play the accordion and make us, two brothers, sit down there. And as he played, he would weep. And I thought that was worship. That was the foundation of my worship. I didn't even understand Canada. He knew all the hymns, and you turn, "Let's sing this number." I don't know the songs. I can't even read it. It's like somebody's written in tongues. And then he'd play, and I... and then play, and play, and he would weep. And me and my brother would watch. We don't know what, but yet we have to sit here because he's a grandfather. He would be drunk when he went to sleep, but on Sunday morning, he would get up, wear his sharkin suit, and you know those half white and half black shoes with a polished black bow, take his violin, and play in church. Come back in the afternoon, get drunk. That was my introduction to Christianity. Sad, no? But I just want you to know this: that you're a member of a servant community. When you study the armor of God in Ephesians, I'm just finishing a book on that, you would see that the area that is not covered is your back. You cannot afford to turn and run because the enemy will get you. Now, I need to stop because I'm hearing the rumblings. I can hear. So, become a growing prophetic voice in this city. Prophetic voice to your neighbor, prophetic voice to your relatives. Some relatives are very hard to get to, amen. Prophetic voice to your colleagues at work. Hallelujah. And God will make you a community, a band of prophets who can sing. I want you to come to a place so that when you play one chord at the piano, cancers would be healed. Let me close with this: I was at a meeting one time when this friend of mine, you know, they just had a piano on stage, and he, you know, they said to us, "Don't play the guitar, don't do anything. I'll just go on the piano and play." Said, "Okay, play." So this was before the service started, and it was open air, and hundreds and hundreds of kids were there. You know when you put kids in front of a service, it ceases to be a service, amen? Because they bring their tennis ball with them, and here was this young child, the mother carried and put him right in front. He was approximately 11 or 12 years old. Both his legs were pock-ridden. I don't think he's ever walked. And so he's watching my friend playing the keyboard. Listen to this. And he's playing, service has not started yet. And he looks at this little boy, and he's looking at him, and all he does was wink at this boy. That's all he never did anything else. The moment he winked at this guy, he stands up and starts walking around. Amen. The whole place went berserk because he was a local boy. Everybody knew him. He started walking, then he started running, and the entire service of three hours, he never sat. He just walked and walked and walked and walked. That's a miracle, amen. And I know that God's going to do and use you for that miracle. So next time you play the keyboard, you know, let's believe God for cancers to follow, for bones to be healed, for diseases to go. I'm saying this again and again, for the dead to be raised. Come on, this is church. Hallelujah. This is the body of Christ. Who wants to come to church, sing two hymns, sit down, stand up, kneel down, shake hands, drink a cup of coffee, smile at the pastor, and go home? No, I'm not interested in that. I'm not interested in that. I'm interested that when I come there, that the demonstration of Heaven takes place on Earth. You want that? You will get that when you become a prophetic people. I'll tell you, I read a book every year or every six months. I read this book again and again and again. It's called "Why Revival Tarries" by Leonard Ravenhill. Get a copy of it. It's a free PDF on the net. "Why Revival Tarries" Leonard Ravenhill. It's a non-stop book that you can read. And I read it every six months. I will read it and I will pray and say, "God, give me that anointing." Amen. Bow your heads with me. Father, we want to thank you today. I'd love to do some ministry, but we've passed the time. I'm going to do a lot of ministry this evening. I'm going to talk about destiny. Lord, as we stretch our hands, stretch your hands out in front of you. Lord, I pray you would begin to move in our hearts, that destiny would be established. What I am born for, what I am living for, I will bear fruit for. Nobody's going to stop me. Nothing can stop me because I'm created in the presence of God. When He created me, when I was in my mother's womb, when I was being knit together, you knew my form, you knew my name, you knew my future, you knew my destiny. And today, I stand before you. I come before you, my hands stretched out, and I pray that you would fulfill everything. Lord, I may have messed up some things in the past. Forgive me, Lord. But I come to you and say to you, would you give me another chance? Would you give me a second chance to become the man, the woman of God that I will be?


Fasting Prayer Day 21 Evening


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